*tap tap* Is This Thing On?

 No, I haven’t abandoned my blog. I also haven’t vanished or disappeared or run away with the circus. And I wasn’t abducted by aliens, though there is a higher chance of that happening now given what’s happened since I last wrote in February.Around the end of 2017, I decided that I was really ready to get out of San Diego. A bit before that I had started looking into places out in the mountains or in areas a bit more remote. Basically, I had gotten to a point where I was so sick of being in the city and the suburbs that I was ready to run away to the middle of nowhere far from civilization.I talked to my husband about it. I had a pretty good sense that he wasn’t happy at his job and that he might be willing to move even farther away. Maybe we could get out of California altogether!So the mission was on. He started looking for jobs in different parts of the country. We made a list of states and areas that we both liked and would be willing to check out. Upstate New York, Montana, Colorado, and Oregon were high on the list. We made a big list on a whiteboard in our kitchen and he started looking for jobs and I started looking for houses or apartments.In April, we finally moved!!!To Las Vegas, Nevada!TOTALLY not what we had originally talked about. And I’ll be honest, at first when Las Vegas came up as a viable option I resisted big time.Don’t get me wrong, I love Las Vegas! Vegas is one of the places that we would go to when we wanted to take a road trip for a day because San Diego is only about 5 hours away. All I knew about Vegas was The Strip and Downtown, you know the tourist stuff. Anything else I knew about Vegas came from watching Cops. And who the hell wants to live in that mess?

But my husband wanted this job he was being offered so he was determined to sell me on Vegas. And thus began a month long back and forth between San Diego and Las Vegas. I spent way too much time in the car during the month of March. We would come up, stay at one of my favorite hotels, and then spend our time driving around the rest of Las Vegas. And as it turned out, Cops was a lie!

For the most part, Las Vegas is a giant suburb with some tourist attractions. Sure it has some shitty parts like any major city does, but by and large, it’s as normal as things can be. Once you leave The Strip or Downtown you find strip malls, master planned communities, and resort style apartment communities. It’s just normal in the best possible way.

I love knowing that if I want to go to a club or a casino or put myself into major debt by going to the bougie shopping center with the luxury stores, I can. But when I just want to live my normal life it’s there easy peasy.

But I’m here, I’m settled, all is well, and life is good. We legit have a Harry Potter themed coffee shop! How can life not be good!

Not to mention that I now live in one of the best cities for electronic music. Pretty soon my schedule is going to be full thanks to how many of my favorite DJs either have residencies or come through here often! Currently making plans for Slushii, Yellow Claw, Flosstradamus, Laidback Luke, Valentino Khan…I mean it’s heaven!

All of this is to say that if you have been wondering where my lazy ass has been and you don’t follow me on Instagram, that’s where I’ve been, moving to Vegas.

[gallery display="owlcolumns" link="file" columns="4" size="wcstandard" ids="25660,25658,25659,25661"]So other than that, what do I have going on, you might ask?Not much.I had a really hard time getting back into the flow of working, creating, and teaching since the move. In a way I still am. I had some big time personal reflection to do after this move and I’m still working on getting things figured out.That said, there are a few things going on. The Intuitive Badass Self-Study course is here! If you missed out on taking my intuitive tarot course with me when I taught it the last few times, you can check it now as a self-study online course. You’ll get access to all the same material from the live courses along with the Facebook Group and invites to any of our calls, chats, or livestreams that we do. Check that out here!  

I also opened up all my coaching services again. I have four different things out there:

Skype Readings - have some 1-on-1 times with me for a reading! I love doing these sessions, they’re a lot of fun and we have a good time. And of course, you can get email readings still over at my Etsy shop.

Mystic Mentoring - intuitive magickal and spiritual coaching via email and Slack for busy peeps that want support and guidance but just don’t have time for weekly calls.Badass Spirit Transformation - intuitive magickal and spiritual coaching for people that DO have time for calls. This is more of a traditional coaching setting with Skype calls, homework, and all that jazz.The Spellcaster’s Edge - witchcraft and magickal coaching for witchy people looking to both use magick to address a specific issue in their life while also learning some new magickal practices and getting a custom magickal plan created for you.  And lastly, podcast. Yes, a new podcast! I am well aware that I’ve been talking about this for months now, and to be honest I thought it would be started by now. But with all the stuff that happened, I just haven’t gotten to it. The goal is mid-June.

Come over and check out the info I have on Sacred Wild Witch Cast and submit your suggestions, questions, and ideas for upcoming topics.

Also…I’ve been a few places since we last talked.

In case you didn’t know I have been doing a monthly Ask A Witch column over at Spirit Guides Magazine. Check out my May article where I talk about tips or successful spell casting.

I was also on Kayla Delargy’sLife Inspired” podcast last week. You can find me on Episode 14 right here as well as on iTunes.

Alright, my magickal friends, that’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with the return of regular blog posts and emails.


Magick Monday: Face Your Fears


Ask A Witch - Are There Consequences To White Magick