New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio!

Tomorrow on November 13 through November 14th {in some locations} there will be a solar eclipse during the New Moon in Scorpio.  The New Moon will occur at 5:08pm EST at 22 degrees Scorpio, right in the middle of a total solar eclipse which will occur from 2:37pm to 7:45pm EST.  During that time the solar eclipse will make it's full path over Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, South America and Antarctica.  Sadly we wont see it here in the States, but the energy will be in the air!  I've had a few people email me asking for some thoughts on what a solar eclipse means magickally so let's talk about what this event means when it comes to working magick.First let's address one of the most common questions that comes with solar and lunar eclipse magick: If I can't see the eclipse, can I still work with the energy?This depends on your take on the role that science plays in your work.  Scientifically the effects beyond the range of visibility have been tested and we've known that this energy has a bigger impact beyond where the event itself can be seen.  But, at the same time, there are many in the magickal community that {for lack of a better term} ignore the science and who instead say that if you can't see it then the energy can't be used.  Personally I think that's a bit shortsighted, not only because we know scientifically that this isn't true, but think about when there is a full moon but it's cloudy or raining outside.  Do we say you can't use the energy of the full moon because you can't see it?  I know some people would agree with that idea but it's quite silly, really.  The energy is there whether there is a visual sign of it or not.So, long story short, yes you can work with the energy of the eclipse despite not being able to see it.  The important thing is to work within the time frame that the eclipse is happening.  The full path of this eclipse will occur over roughly a five hour period, which gives us plenty of time to do whatever magick we need to do, but we want to use that five hour period and not wait until later in the night when it has ended because then we're using a very faint remnant of the energy.  Timing is key with eclipse magick.  What is a solar eclipse?A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon, and earth are in perfect alignment.  The moon passes directly between the earth and sun blocking our view of the sun.  A solar eclipse only happen during the daytime hours when the moon is new and the sun and moon are in the same sign.  We can see either full or partial eclipses which delivers different kinds of energy, one being a bit more impactful than the other but both carrying some great power we can use.These happen about every six months.  Despite the fact that it takes hours for the full path of the eclipse to occur, we only see it happen for a matter of minutes.   The real, true power of the eclipse is best harnessed at the moment that it happens, but when you're in a situation like we have for many during this eclipse and you can't see it and there is no exact time for you, you can use the energy at any point during that time window.  What does a solar eclipse mean for us magickally and energetically?A solar eclipse is seem by many as a time to honor the God, specifically in his guise as the Dark Lord or Lord of Shadows. It's also seen to be a time when the God and Goddess embrace and their energy combines into a powerful, transformative energy of light and shadow.  During a solar eclipse we encounter energy that is extremely powerful for transformation, a time when energy is both vacant and powerful all at the same time.It's important to keep in mind that there are two kinds of eclipses, solar and lunar.  The lunar eclipse is much more internal where the solar eclipse is more of an external energy.  This means that working done with the solar eclipse will have a big impact on things in the outer world on a visible level.  The effects of solar eclipse magick are often very noticeable and can happen quite quickly.Eclipses help to amplify the energy of whatever sign they are happening in as well.  It is a time for reevaluating things that you might have going on in your life that are connected to the sign the eclipse is happening in.  It's a good time for making adjustments and finding ways to create balance in those areas of your life.  An eclipse is an ideal time to work on deep personal transformation, inner balance, and working on big issues in our lives, not the small superficial things that we might address magickally at other times.The power of an eclipse can have long lasting and powerful effects on our magick.  Spells done now that are on the smaller side can really snowball.  This can be good, but a lot of times this can also mean that something that you might not have thought would impact your life in a major way can have far reaching and long lasting effects.  So think before you cast!  This is usually a time ideal for meditation, pathworking, journeying, and divination.  If nothing else it's a great time to seek guidance and insight into other work or magick that you might want to do during the waxing to full moon. Here are the steps to consider when planning solar eclipse magick:1. What sign are the sun and moon in?2. Is the sun waxing or waning?  What half of the year is it, light or dark?3. What planets are retrograde?4. Is the eclipse going to be visible where you are?  What time is it happening?  What is the magickal energy surrounding the November 13th-14th solar eclipse?The eclipse happening this week will be in the sign of Scorpio in the 8th House which rules over the sign of Scorpio.  The sun is waning and there are three planets in retrograde right now, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter.  The watery elements of Scorpio are going to be heightened so now is really a great time for psychic work and divination.  You'll also find that certain other energies of Scorpio, like the qualities of ambition and determination, will be heightened.   Being that this will all happen in the 8th House, the House of Sex, energy in relationships, especially sexual and intimate ones, will be greatly impacted.With everything being in the sign of Scorpio it is also a great time to really examine your emotional blockages and things that are holding you back in relationships.  Above all else I would suggest doing divination, especially scrying, to gain insight.  This would also be a great time to do journey work to seek guidance in the Lower World from animal guides and then taking that into the physical work and using it to create needed changes.We know the new moon brings us a time for honoring and starting new cycles, new beginnings, and having a rebirth of sorts.  The solar eclipse is going to amplify that energy and it's also going to help support making these kinds of changes in the physical world powerfully.During this solar eclipse and new moon you might want to consider some of these kinds of workings:

  • reevaluation of relationships
  • seeking what is holding you back emotionally
  • clearing away painful relationships
  • renewing a sexual relationship
  • addressing finances that are shared with a partner or spouse
  • big home cleansing work (ritual cleanings, smudging, etc)

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