New Moon Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a simple process. Much more simple than we allow it to be. The process of forgiveness is simply coming to a place where we are no longer angered by someone’s words or actions. It’s when we get to a place where we no longer feel that sense of having our emotions triggered by a memory or by the person if we still have to encounter them.Forgiving is looking to see where love is missing in a relationship or situation and surrendering to the idea that we are in fear and need to simply replace it with love. It’s the process of allowing love to come in and remove that fear and clear up those lower vibe emotions of anger, hate and jealously. It’s surrender.We often make the mistake of thinking forgiveness means condoning. You don’t have to agree with what someone has done or said to you to forgive them. When we remember two important things…that we are all connected and that in every moment of every day we are all doing the best we can with what we are equipped with at the time…it becomes so much easier to not only allow ourselves to forgive but to actually achieve forgiveness.The new moon in Libra is here and we are pushed into the process of creating balance. Forgiveness helps deeply with creating balance. When we forgive we let go of energies that are no longer serving us but we’re also letting go of attachments we may still carry with the other person at the opposite end of our issue. It doesn't just free us but frees them too.With Mercury having just completed a retrograde cycle and communication now being more free and clear, this is the perfect time to create balance when at all possible by actually speaking your truth to the people you need to forgive. But we all know that isn’t always possible. It could be just an unsafe proposition or the person could very well no longer be living in this plane of existence. This is why writing lists, letters, and journal entries to express your forgiveness are great today.Getting this all out of your head and into another form is so helpful. Even if it’s just a momentary thing, the fact that you are taking action on an act of unburdening can create balance inside and out.I started working on a sort of “I Forgive” list {mainly in my head} as we were leading up to this new moon with plans to let it go in a more tangible way when the time was right. I hope sharing my “I Forgive” will help you to create your own.I forgive the cousin who, when we were small, used to bite me and leave bruises every time I saw him.I forgive the kids in elementary school who made fun of me for my weight every day.I forgive the girl who bullied me on the bus every day through jr high, making me afraid to go to school.I forgive the boy who I took to the prom that I had a crush on but who left with another girl.I forgive the guy that stuck Christian bummer stickers over my Pagan bumper stickers that ones time in a mall parking lot.I forgive the friend who tried to take advantage of me after getting me almost blind drunk on my 21st birthday.I forgive the roommate I had who emotionally tormented me for months by refusing to talk to me because I didn’t want to do heroin and party with her friends. I forgive the first real love of my life for lying and cheating on me all the years we were together.I forgive the friends who couldn’t handle my own sense of self and power and took their insecurities out on me. I forgive the guy who lied about the drugs he sold me causing me to have an overdose.I forgive the ex-fiancee who left me suddenly with no money and no way to keep a roof over my head.I forgive myself for hiding the truth from so many for so long.I forgive myself for pretending to be something I wasn’t when I thought that was what I was supposed to do.I forgive myself for lying, stealing and cheating when I was too scared to face the truth.I forgive myself for allowing my physical form to deteriorate so quickly. I forgive myself for giving up on my dreams of performing.I forgive myself for hurting a boy’s feelings beyond my understanding.I forgive myself for letting distance come between me and those I love.I forgive myself for letting my power be taken away by people who had none of their own.Forgiveness doesn’t happen instantly. It can takes years to get there. And sometimes even the people and things you think you have forgiven will creep up from time to time to test your resolve. Just remember to say “I forgive you. I love you.” This powerful phrase, so full of light, will burn away that darkness and bring balance to anything no matter how many times you need to do it.