A Guide to Creating New Moon Magic
The new moon is one of the most powerful lunar energies we can harvest. In fact I would argue that it can be more powerful than the full moon. It's a time for hope, new beginnings, the start of creation and planting out intentions. It's a time for us to make declarations to the Universe, both big and small, to help us make changes in our lives.When the new moon happens when both the sun and moon are aligned in the same zodiac sign. The skies are dark and only the faintest hint of the moon can be seen. We say she is in darkness but that darkness is not a place of fear. It's a place of rebirth.Working with new moon energy is something that can really change your world. Even if you never work with any other kind of moon magic or lunar energies, the new moon is worth tuning into.By setting your intentions at the new moon you have a chance to change any situation that you want. It's a chance for you to create an approximately 28 day plan to grow and evolve.
One thing that we should take into consideration when working with the new moon is what astrological sign it is in. While we can work with anything at any new moon, if we work with creating change around things that tie in with that moon sign's energy we create ripples of even bigger change. [wc_divider style="image" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]
New Moon Signs
New Moon in Aries - Time to be a warrior!This is a time for big awakenings, for stepping into your warrior self and being ready to beat some new paths in your life. This is a great time for starting big change, especially if the issue you're dealing with has been stuck or has you feeling trapped. When you set intentions at the Aries New Moon, know you'll be pushed to follow through. This is a series time to light a fire under your ass if you need it!New Moon in Taurus - Time to get back to basics.This is a moon to set intentions to achieve and manifest personal goals, especially ones related to pleasure and your physical well-being. If you've been dealing with health issues, now is a time to being commitments toward change. This is also a time for embracing simple pleasures and getting out into nature. It's also a favorable time for making changes to your home and living space. If you've been waiting to redecorate, now is the time.New Moon in Gemini - Express yourself!This is a time for working on communication and expression. Whether it's expressing yourself and your own thoughts, ideas and beliefs or being more open to hearing those of others, now is a time to set intentions to clear the pathways of communication. Now is also a great time for beginning to work on relationships that have been suffering because of communication issues. This is also a time for connecting to community, especially your local community and working to connect with your neighbors.New Moon in Cancer - Get in touch with your emotions.This moon can be a bit touchy so it's a good time for working on issues that might be highly emotionally charged. Cancer can be moody and unpredictable so if you have personal issues or relationships with a shaky emotional foundational, you can set intentions to find balance and healing here. It's also a great time for setting intentions to address relationships and situations that involve power struggles. Being working to clear these issues.New Moon in Leo - Gather your confidence and shine!Leo, the Lion, brings us a new moon with a chance to reset our base of confidence. It's a chance to go within a bit and uncover personal powers, gifts and talents that we may be hiding from the world because we're not feeling strong enough to share them. Being to set intentions for being more bold and sharing yourself more with the world. It's also a good time for setting a course for being little more gentle with others. You can be strong in your who are without running over others with your powerful energy.New Moon in Virgo - Be strong, be happy, be healthy. This is a moon that gives us a chance to focus largely on our health, beauty and acceptance of our physical selves. Get really honest with yourself about the health and body issues that have been on your mind and being to set intentions toward making changes to create a healthier and more radiant you. This is also a time for creating order and organization in your home and work life where it's been lacking. List making, plan setting and creating systems to get more done are great for right now.New Moon in Libra - Find your balance in mind, body and spirit. This is a time for balance and justice. If you've been lacking balance in an area of your life that really needs attention, setting your intentions and getting started now is great. This is also a time for negotiations, so if you know that you need to come to some kind of settlement with someone now is a good time to set intentions to coming to a peaceful and amicable resolution.New Moon in Scorpio - Release your fears and face your shadow.If you've been looking for a time to set intentions and start a path for releasing fears and dealing with particularly uncomfortable emotions, now is your time. This is also a good time for trying to see things from other people's perspectives. It's a good time for setting intentions to find better ways to work with others who have to share our lives and resources with.New Moon in Sagittarius - Focus on the big picture and stay positive. At this new moon we begin to set intentions for change around our way of seeing the world in a more positive light. If we take time now to get a better view of the big picture in our life we can start to see where we need to put our focus to get to where we want to go. This is also a time to set our sights on learning new things and expanding our view of the world. Intentions around higher education and gaining new skills are perfect for right now.New Moon in Capricorn - Work with practical tasks and goals toward your dreams.This new moon is a time for setting intentions that focus on your goals that are of a practical nature. This isn't a time for big "some day" goals but the practical, attainable things that you know you need to get done now. This sign allows us to see our limitations not as restrictions but as ways to guide us. See it was a way to guide you toward doing awesome things easily. It's a great time to nurture your dreams, one grounded action as a time.New Moon in Aquarius - Free yourself from the past.This watery new moon is a wonderful time for setting intentions to free yourself from emotions and past relationships or memories that have been weighing you down or holding you back. It's a time to give yourself a break from feeling so deeply. Look toward the future past these emotions as a chance to start fresh and make from for new experiences.New Moon in Pisces - Your perfect in your imperfections. During this new moon seeing ourselves as perfectly imperfect is a great way to set intentions that will have us feeling free to do anything we desire. Knowing that everything is exactly as it should be and that everything you do is just what you're meant to do is part of the power of this new moon. Set intentions to start a new creative project, especially anything that connections you to Spirit. [wc_divider style="image" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]
Here are the rest of the New Moon Dates for 2015 along with their signs.
February 18th in AquariusMarch 20th in PiscesApril 18th in AriesMay 18th in GeminiJune 16th in GeminiJuly 16th in CancerAugust 14th in LeoSeptember 13th in VirgoOctober 13th in LibraNovember 11th in ScorpioDecember 11th in Sagittarius [wc_divider style="image" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]
New Moon Intention Setting Ritual
Here is a simple intention setting ritual and structure that you can modify as you feel called. The purpose of all ritual is to mark the beginning or end of something in order to ground and root the energy with us, making it seem more tangible and real to us, so we can use it to drive us forward through change. That's what we're doing with these new moon rituals.Pick a space to work in where you can be undisturbed for about an hour.Regardless of your intention for your new moon ritual you'll need:[su_list icon="icon: check-circle-o" icon_color="#f45f0e"]
- a white candle
- some sage or a smudge stick
- a bowl of sea salt {Celtic or Himalayan}
- hyssop, rose, sandalwood or lavender essential oil
- a journal and pen
- lighter
- plate or bowl for your sage to set in
[/su_list]Being by smudging your space with your sage. Be sure to also waft the smoke around you as well to sage yourself. Rest your smudge on the plate when you're done.Sit at your work space and take a few deep, cleaning breaths. Relax. Let the tensions of the days and all worries that you are carrying with you fall away and being to put your focus on the intentions that you wish to set for these next 28 days.When you feel ready, light your candle. As you do, say a small blessing to welcome in any Gods, guides or angels that you wish to assist you. As an example you could say:To all my guides, angles and helper spirits,To the Great Spirit above and below,I ask that you join me, guard me and guide meAs I set my intentions for change and transformation at the new moon.Next take a moment to reflect on the meaning of this new moon. How does it inspire you? What changes does it make you want to create in your life?With your journal, being making a list of all the changes you wish to manifest during these 28 days. Once you've made your large list you may wish to hone in on one or two that you want to focus your energy on the most.Write a letter of intention to your Higher Self, your Divine Self, in your journal. Share your hopes and fears, your worries and burdens. How does it feel to have this problem in your life? What is the affect it has on you? How would it feel to no longer have this problem? How would your life change and how would you feel to release it?Share all your thoughts with your Higher Self in this letter, knowing nobody else has to ever see it. If you wish you can even burn the letter and scatter its ashes at the start of the next new moon when you're ready to move on to something new {this it totally optional; you may even wish to keep your letters as a record of your personal growth and evolution}.Once your letter is complete, reach for your salt and your oil. You should have at least one oil along with your salt, about 1-2 cups worth. While I suggest an essential oil, you can also work with magical intention oil blends, also called condition oils, if you wish. You can use one of the essential oils suggested or pick one that connects to your specific intention.Hold the bowl of salt with both hands and think about your intentions, focusing on your desire for change. Feel your hands sending energy and intention into the bowl.When ready place the bowl back down and begin adding drops of oil into the salt. As you do this visual that the oil infusing the salt with your positive intentions. You can sate them out loud as well. For instance if your focus is to let go of bad eating habits you might add a few drops while saying "I will cut back on junk food this month."You can also add your oil to the salt while reading your letter to your Higher Self out loud. Simply read from your journal and add drops of oil into the salt along the way.When you're done stating all your intentions, mix the salt with your hands while saying:Salt of the earth, that which purifiesCleanse me of all negativity and unwanted influences.I plant my intentions on this new moonAnd commit to nurturing them all the way through. Place the bowl of salt in front of the candle and allow the candle to burn down. You may wish to gather up your salt and store it in a jar or bag, or you can simply cover your bowl with cling film.During the next 28 days as you work on manifesting your intentions, use the salt to cleans yourself to release anything holding you back from making change. Here are a few ways you can work with the salt:[su_list icon="icon: check-circle-o" icon_color="#f45f0e"]
- Sprinkle the salt in a bath of warm water and soak in it.
- Add sweet almond or jojoba oil, a little at a time to the salt and mix until you get a damp sand-like consistency. You can use this as a scrub in the shower to cleanse yourself if you don't have a tub to soak in.
- Add the salt to a small spray bottle of fresh spring water and use it spritz yourself and your space for purification.
- If you worked with an edible essential oil you can add the salt to your food {Caution! Please be sure to check with the maker of your oil before doing this.}
- Gather salt in your hands and scrub it between your hands with water.
[/su_list] [wc_divider style="image" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""] As the month goes on and you work on manifesting your intentions, keep track of your progress in your journal. You can write more letters to your Higher Self or simply create journal entires tracking your growth. Keeping track of this helps you to see where you might want to focus in the months to come while also giving your inspiration for ways to change and grow your new moon rituals to make them more personal to you. Be sure to share this magic! Use the links down below this post to Pin it, Share it and Tweet it! The more we spread the magic of the new moon the more amazing intentions will be birthed into the world. :revolving_hearts:
May you have a blessed new moon, each new moon, and may all your intentions be made manifest!:pray:
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