One more thought...

I realized while talking to a friend after my last post that some of my ideas got a little away from me so I wanted to just make a few additional comments. :)As far as how taking responsibility impacts magick, I think it's quite simple. When we cast a spell to rid ourselves of something, such as a bad habit, we aren't going to see a lot of results if we don't take responsibility for how we either perpetuate our bad habits or how we allow the triggers for them to be in our lives then we will never get to the steps that bring us to the roots of our problem and help to clear the way for them to be removed. If we keep denying our own doing in a situation then we're just enabling ourselves to still follow these bad habits. Therefore, in a sense, our intentions at the start of our magickal work was never truly clear and therefore the chances are our results won't be what we may have wanted. We need to do the things in the mundane to really open the magickal doors and sometimes that may mean owning up to our actions and responsibilities in the past, present AND future!The two examples I gave before are only a few of the people that I've been dealing with that have this issue. I've been seeing it not only with clients but people in my personal life too. It's like there's something in the water! I just think that looking to use magick as a way to almost ESCAPE responsibility is a bit insane and more than a little counter productive.


Picking your Witchy annuals


Taking Responsibility, a mini rant