Pagan Edge - a new pagan magazine

It looks like there is a new Pagan magazine in the works that will see it's first issue active in online form December 26th. Pagan Edge, an online and print on demand publication, has it's sights set on being a timely publication for the Pagan community focused on Pagan news, lifestyle and culture. There may be information on spells, magick, rituals and other "how-to" type articles within it's virtual pages, but the focus will be on how Pagans and those of the earth-based spiritual mindset can put their values and beliefs to work for them in their everyday lives.Currently Pagan Edge is looking for submissions from writers that are interested in creating articles that go beyond the realms of Paganism 101 and address the adult Pagan community in an intelligent and passionate way. Prospective contributers are asked to submit a 300 word witting sample with a short bio and list of topics they are interested in writing about. Artists are also encouraged to submit art samples if they are interested in working with Pagan Edge on the graphics end. More details can be found here for those interested.The following is a list of upcoming issue themes that may inspire some when it comes to submissions.

  • January - cleansing (Cleaning House Issue - mental house, spiritual house, physical living spaces (neat, minimal, green?)
  • February - love (Challenges, How to deal with the negative, bringing good into your life in a positive manner)
  • March - beginnings (Everything form new life {birth}, jobs, outlooks, wardrobe, etc.)
  • April - living greener (gardening, lifestyle, outdoors, green energy, green alternatives)

It's important to keep in mind that this is a homegrown, grass-roots project for the Pagan community and as such they are working without much of a budget. Contributers will not be paid for their submissions however they will gain exposure for their work and will gain some wonderful experience and references for the future.If this sounds like something that you would like to talk to them about you can contact Pagan Edge at productive


Review: Cunningham's Book of Shadows by Scott Cunningham


Ghost Hunters does it again!