Pathways to Your Radiant Soul
The last few days have been ridiculously busy and I haven't had a chance to do a proper Radiant Soul here we are. It's a perfect one too, but it will also be short and sweet because the chaos continues (as I write this I should be getting ready to go to dinner at a friends house). So here it's about pathways. The card pulled for today says: "Through the corridor of my joy is the pathway to my desire." On the back it says "Most say, 'When I get that, I will be joyful.' But you must be joyful first - you must start with the determination that 'I will not settle for less than feeling good.'" This is one of those lessons that apply to the Law of Attraction process that is so easy to hear and easy to agree with but still so hard to live out sometimes.We spend so much of our time wanting and with that wanting we thing that things would be better or even perfect if we have the thing we want. So right away we're in the wrong place with our thoughts by wanting; wanting only creates more want. So we do we need to do? We need to great a path to the joy we desire. But how can we create and effective path to joy if we aren't already in a place of joy? Joy attracts joy in the same way that want attracts want. You need to be joyful to receive joyful things in your life.Where do we find joy? Finding joy isn't as hard as we often make it out to be. Holding it and expanding it can be the tricky thing. So imagine something that gives you joy. It could be the perfect cup of coffee, your favorite song on the radio, or the feeling of accomplishing something really big. Recreate that feeling in your mind and with it create an image or a phrase, a touchstone in the astral world where you can go to when you need to feel and draw on joy. Let's say your job is a basket of kittens. You feel most joyful when you see a basket of kittens. Take a picture of a basket of kittens and place it around you home, put it in your workspace at work, put it anywhere that you would like to have it to remind you that you need to be joyful in order to create that pathway to your personal joyful goals.
It seems silly, a basket of kittens, but that basket of kittens could be the difference between you drawing in feelings of pure joy and happiness as opposed to always feeling like you have a cloud over your head. When you feel joy, you become joyful. When you are joyful you live joyfully...and that's what creates a pathway to finding all the things you want that will make you happy.It was funny that this card came up because last night I was listening to Goddess Leonie's shot podcast on joy and she has this cute little meditation in the podcast about feeling joyful. Check out her podcast and use her ideas along with mind to help you find some joyful blessings today and everyday as you create that special and unique pathway through your life. Current Mood: joyful