Popculture Paganism

Jason over at The Wild Hunt posted a quick bit about a new anti-Pagan “documentary” being released this Halloween by the ever present, fear mongering Christian based film company Jeremiah Films called “Popculture Paganism”.  Jeremiah Films has been responsible for putting out some of the most ridiculous, misinformed and hateful films targeting the occult and Paganism over the years, most notably their film opus “Pagan Invasion”, a 13 DVD serious dedicated to “examining Paganism”.  For years I’ve attempted to find bits of this online because I have zero interest in spending $130 to see this ridiculous series, however you can’t help but be a bit curious and, as they say, always know what those who oppose you are thinking.  But this new film, “Popculture Paganism” is born out of a clearly opportunistic attempt to grab the attention of teens and parents of teens given the attention paid not only to Wicca but also the vampires.  With “Twilight” and “True Blood” being so popular, especially with teen aged girls, you would naturally assume that they must be worshiping Satan at the same time as watching their fictional glittery vampire crush on the big screen.The main premise of the film is to show and explain the desensitization of modern culture to the views and practices of Paganism and the occult because of it’s easy acceptance by pop culture.  Obvious all the usual suspects are present, specifically “Harry Potter”, because what would a documentary from Jeremiah Films be without some finger pointing at old Harry.

Scary Stuff!
Here is something that always amazes me, though I suppose it really shouldn’t.  If the information in these documentaries that Jeremiah Films puts out is so important, why do they always costs $30+ dollars?  Why is there never a page of free ones to watch?  I guess it’s assumed that if you’re a Christian you have money and you should give it to them because they’re doing “the Lord’s work” and you will be learning how to “arm yourself against Satan”.Halloween always beings out the crazies!  It’s just funny that a lot of them are Christian and not the “crazies” that they’re trying to warn everyone against.


Ted Andrews crosses the veil


Let the paranormal insanity begin!