Choose Your Own Power Animal - July 22 - 28
Are you ready for this week's power animal reading? Sure you are!Remember, stay calm people! Mercury is still in retrograde and we are now heading into Leo season. Just stay chill, this will all be over soon. And don't forget, you can get a whole bunch of Mercury Retrograde resources from me over here.
And now...power animals!
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How This Works:
Your power animal card for the week is designed to help you get some guidance and spiritual insights into the energetic flow of your week.Below you’ll see a picture of three cards. Above each card, I have placed a crystal to help guide you in picking your card. Take a few deep breaths, let go of any stress or worry, focus on the image, and pick the card/crystal combination that you felt most drawn to. Once you have been called to a certain card, down below click the link for the card and crystal you picked. This will reveal your card along with guidance for your week.
Here’s what I ask you do after you get your reading revealed.
- Share in the comments what card you got and how the guidance hit you.
- Ask questions if you have them!
- Share this your friends using the links below.
Left Card - Danburite - connecting heart and mind, Crown chakra, heal deep woundsCenter Card - Black Tourmaline - protection, grounding, Earth Star chakraRight Card - Green Calcite - emotional balance, release stress, Heart chakra
[wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="TL;DR - Origins of Power Animal Meanings"]I always feel like I'm so long I have a lot to say! But with power animals, there are reasons why I tend to say a lot. Power animals don't have their spiritual associations for some mystical, unknown reason. They have their meanings based on their habits and the way they live. People would observe them, back in those days when we lived more commonly with animals and nature as part of our daily lives. Then when someone would start to see these animals popping up around their homes a lot kind of suddenly they might take this as a sign that they needed to take on some of the traits of that animal.So for instance, last week Wolf was one of the animals that we had come up. What I said about the message from Wolf last week was this:
If you connected to Wolf this week you’re reminded of two things...working with others can be a time saver and bring bigger rewards than working alone...and being exact in your communication is the key to effectively working with others. Take the knowledge that you gain from talking with others and apply it as workable wisdom this week. It’s time to get things done and make things happen, but only when you willingly partner with others will you see things really get moving.
Wolves can be observed as being very careful in their hunting process, almost stalking their prey, taking time to really watch their target's movements and gathering an idea of what they may do next before pouncing. Wolves also have a very noticeable and distinct set of howls and "laughing" tones that they use for communication. They are very "chatty" animals and if you have wolves around you, you are always aware of their near constant communication.So all of this lends to our idea of Wolf being an animal of careful planning, wisdom, and communication.This is why I always talk about the animal themselves and not just the spiritual message in hopes that you will see that correlation. I always find it funny when I have someone tell me to ditch the "facts for kids" about the power animals and get "get to the magickal aspects." I always have to reply by saying "Where do you think the 'magickal aspects' come from? Thin air?!"In order to keep these messages a bit shorter, I try to skip the facts about the animals as much as I can and focus more on the magickal and spiritual part. It can be hard for me to not think about the practical side, my brain just has a hard time separating the two. Give a quick Google search for "facts about" your animal and you'll find lots to go on, or of course, ask down in the comments![/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Left / Danburite"]Whenever we are visited by the spirit of Mouse we're being called to pay attention to the little things, both in our own lives and the lives of others. How are you showing love and appreciation for others with "the little things?" We often focus so much on big gestures that we forgot to not only appreciate them in our own lives but to offer them to others too.Mouse also reminds us that while we need to have a big picture in mind when we're working on a goal or project, we need to also be mindful of the importance of details. Rushing through a project just to get to the end can often mean missing the small things that will always come back to bit you in the ass later. When we skip the details we inevitably end up with things that need to be fixed or cleaned up later.So this week, as you're dealing either with the people in your life or the projects you've committed yourself to, step back and look at the little things. What details have you been missing or underappreciating? Where can you show a little more love and appreciation to yourself, your friends, family, and co-workers by engaging in the little things? The smallest gesture can sometimes make the biggest difference, so don't assume something small isn't going to have an impact. You might be amazed at the difference it makes later.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Center / Black Tourmaline"]
Scarab Beetle was with us last week in the Left Card position. Scarab is back again this week! If you aligned with Scarab Beetle last week and this week, you may have a little something extra in the message that you need to pay attention to, or simply the work you're doing just isn't finished yet.When it comes to power animals and spirit animals bugs and insects get forgotten about, but they are just as important to our work as any other animal. In the case of the scarab beetle, I think this one is even more forgotten because we don't understand them that well. They are actually a family of beetles with over 30,000 species among them, but let's be honest. Most of us upon hearing "scarab beetle" instantly have images of ancient Egypt come to mind. But in truth, you can find them in every part of the world except Antarctica due to the climate and temperature.Symbolically, beetles represent community and working together to accomplish something greater in numbers. They are strong insects that can lift upwards of 600 times their body weight, so while individually they are strong, together in their communal structure they are capable of so much more. They are also an important part of our ecosystem since they are one of nature's best recyclers, often eating things that are in states of decay and making use of the what would otherwise go to waste.This week Scarab Beetle comes to us with a slightly different message from last week; this week you're being asked to pay attention to how your energy and your "inner magick" is impacting those around you. While we like to always think we're bringing something positive to the table, sometimes we don't. And it isn't our fault, sometimes we don't realize what we're doing or why we're doing it, so to speak. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows and sometimes we might be a little more Dung Beetle than Scarab Beetle. But this week, Scarab wants you to find how you can SHINE and bring more positive magick to those around you. Speak truth, be creative, but focus on empowering others this week and using your power the best ways you can.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Right / Green Calcite"]
Butterflies have long been associated with transformation and beauty. From tiny eggs to the larva stage as a caterpillar, when they go into their chrysalis and the metamorphosis happens, they change dramatically. They emerge with a completely new body, with all their existing limbs and organs having changed to allow them to emerge as the beautiful butterfly. But what's interesting about this process is that once the butterfly comes out of its shell or cacoon (called a pupa) it takes about 4 hours for them to be able to fly away. They need to let their new body adjust and stretch out, allow blood to flow to all the new parts, like its wings, before it can fly away.This week if you have connected to Butterfly, you're being asked to look at your own stages of transformation and ask yourself where you are right now. Are you an egg? A caterpillar? Or are you in the chrysalis? If you've already been in the chrysalis, is it time for you to emerge?Transformation doesn't happen overnight and even when we get to the final stages we need to move slowly. Butterfly is here to remind you this week that taking your time to grow and stretch your wings is fine! Don't feel like you have to suddenly fly away the moment the big changes are over. Did you just graduate school recently and you're not quite ready to become a career phenom? That's ok! It may take you a little time to find where you will shine. Did you just get to that stage after a breakup where you're ready to start dating again? Great! But that doesn't mean you need to be getting into a long-term relationship right away. Overall, this week you're asked to find your stage of current transformation and embrace it without feeling you have to be anywhere other than here, or that you have to rush. Transform in your own time and embrace the cycles.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion]