Choose Your Own Power Animal - July 8 - 14
Time for another round of power animals!I decided to make last week's mini-explanation of power animals a regular info tab here on these posts. If you're new to power animals and want a TL;DR version of how the meanings of power animals are formed, you can click the tab before the power animal reveals.Also, don't forget, we're in Mercury Retrograde. There's nothing to freak out about, just be aware. You can get a whole bunch of Mercury Retrograde resources from me over here. [wc_divider style="image3" line="single" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" class=""][/wc_divider]
How This Works:
Your power animal card for the week is designed to help you get some guidance and spiritual insights into the energetic flow of your week.Below you’ll see a picture of three cards. Above each card, I have placed a crystal to help guide you in picking your card. Take a few deep breaths, let go of any stress or worry, focus on the image, and pick the card/crystal combination that you felt most drawn to. Once you have been called to a certain card, down below click the link for the card and crystal you picked. This will reveal your card along with guidance for your week.
Here’s what I ask you do after you get your reading revealed.
- Share in the comments what card you got and how the guidance hit you.
- Ask questions if you have them!
- Share this your friends using the links below.
Left Card - Red Jasper - root chakra, courage, personal independenceCenter Card - Green Aventurine - prosperity, luck, opportunityRight Card - Lapis Lazuli - psychic ability, communication, finding the truth
[wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="TL;DR - Origins of Power Animal Meanings"]I always feel like I'm so long I have a lot to say! But with power animals, there are reasons why I tend to say a lot. Power animals don't have their spiritual associations for some mystical, unknown reason. They have their meanings based on their habits and the way they live. People would observe them, back in those days when we lived more commonly with animals and nature as part of our daily lives. Then when someone would start to see these animals popping up around their homes a lot kind of suddenly they might take this as a sign that they needed to take on some of the traits of that animal.So for instance, last week Wolf was one of the animals that we had come up. What I said about the message from Wolf last week was this:
If you connected to Wolf this week you’re reminded of two things...working with others can be a time saver and bring bigger rewards than working alone...and being exact in your communication is the key to effectively working with others. Take the knowledge that you gain from talking with others and apply it as workable wisdom this week. It’s time to get things done and make things happen, but only when you willingly partner with others will you see things really get moving.
Wolves can be observed as being very careful in their hunting process, almost stalking their prey, taking time to really watch their target's movements and gathering an idea of what they may do next before pouncing. Wolves also have a very noticeable and distinct set of howls and "laughing" tones that they use for communication. They are very "chatty" animals and if you have wolves around you, you are always aware of their near constant communication.So all of this lends to our idea of Wolf being an animal of careful planning, wisdom, and communication.This is why I always talk about the animal themselves and not just the spiritual message in hopes that you will see that correlation. I always find it funny when I have someone tell me to ditch the "facts for kids" about the power animals and get "get to the magickal aspects." I always have to reply by saying "Where do you think the 'magickal aspects' come from? Thin air?!"In order to keep these messages a bit shorter, I try to skip the facts about the animals as much as I can and focus more on the magickal and spiritual part. It can be hard for me to not think about the practical side, my brain just has a hard time separating the two. Give a quick Google search for "facts about" your animal and you'll find lots to go on, or of course, ask down in the comments![/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Left / Red Jasper"]Hummingbirds dart from here to there, gathering up all the nectar they can, often consuming double their body weight in food in a day. They have a lot of interesting abilities that other birds don't, like being the only bird that can actually fly backward. But with the speed that hummingbirds move and the distances they can travel in a day, you would probably never notice if they moved backward. Because of their speed and their need for more food they most commonly are killed through accidents like running into windows or not being aware of a predator, like cats, that are on their trail.When Hummingbird shows up for you it's a reminder that while you may have a lot on your plate and many things to tackle, you need to stay present with what you're doing. It's OK to have a long to-do list but there's no reason to be so distracted that you end up having to redo the list because you weren't paying attention when you went through it the first time. This week may prove to feel hectic and like you're flapping your proverbial wings a million miles an hour, but focus and breathe. Be present; be here now. Remember that you can't change yesterday and you can't predict tomorrow, you can only control what you do today.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Center / Green Aventurine"]
For being a domesticated animal, cat's are one of the most independent ones you can have. While they will love you and they will show you affection, never questions that your relationship with a cat is always on their terms, not yours. They may endure your attention but when they want your affection there's no getting around it. Cats are independent to their core and you'll never forget it...well, they'll never let you forget it.When Cat shows up for you it's a reminder that you are coming into a period of time where you need to be self-reliant and let go of dependency on others. You may feel you can't trust your own judgment, but you might be surprised how well it will guide you if you let go of doubting yourself. Move slowly if you must and be graceful. Don't feel you have to "pounce" on every opportunity that comes along this week. Some things will still be there waiting for you if you give yourself time to watch and wait. Spend a little extra time at night before bed this week meditating and reflecting on your inner guidance when it comes to the things that you're working on right now.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Right / Lapis Lazuli"]
Sandpiper's are small little shorebirds (a type of waterbird) that have a long, pointed bill, thin little legs, and feathers with beautiful and interesting patterns. They most of their time on the ground, digging in the sand with their bill for food in the area right at the shoreline. They don't fly that much but when they do they have a very stiff way of flying that's actually more like gliding. They are active during the day and sleep at night, often in groups of up to 100 in a roost. But during the day when they are on the shoreline, they are often seen hopping around together in what looks to us like silly play...and some of it certainly is!When Sandpiper shows up for you, you're reminded of the importance of being playful and finding ways to make the things you have to do things that can still be enjoyable. When you have to make a long drive, listen to an audiobook or podcast you enjoy. If you have to work long hours, bring your favorite dinner with you to work for your meal break. And when you do have time to straight-out play, make the most of it this week. Just remember that staying grounded right now will be for the best, so try not to take off on any "flights of fancy" this week.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion]