Relationship Clarity with the Gemini New Moon

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The new moon in the sign of Gemini gives us a great opportunity to connect with our relationships to gain clarity and understanding in a deep and productive way. This can be really refreshing, helpful, and reassuring…or it can become a wake-up call, a cracking open of a shell that you have built around yourself and your relationship to shield it from the truth.

Gemini is an air sign and invites in opportunities for working on communication, particularly with those close to us. This is the sign known as “The Twins” and when we look at it in terms of relationships we sometimes might use this as a sign for connecting to a “Twin Flame” through magick. But it is ultimately a sign that invites the change to heal and grow through communication with someone else.

The new moon is always a great time to get real with ourselves about what’s going on around us. The new moon is a great time for self-love work and addressing relationships, so nothing can be more fitting on a Gemini new moon than seeking clarity around a relationship that might not be serving your highest good or that is seemingly in trouble.

I love the dark and new moons for divination first and foremost, though magick along with that is always a great idea. But what we’re doing today is bringing out some cards to get some insight, find some clarity, and learn what we can do to either heal a relationship or simply heal ourselves (which can sometimes mean letting that relationship go for a while).

Just a quick note; this doesn’t have to be just about a romantic relationship. If you feel that your love life is just fine and nothing feels like its niggling for attention in that area right now, that’s ok! You can do this with any relationship that is important to you where you need some clarity and healing.

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If you’re using the tarot, get out your Lovers card. This card is connected to the sign of Gemini. Again, it doesn’t matter if this isn’t a romantic relationship, you still want to use the Lovers from the tarot. (Below is the Oliver Hibert Tarot by Oliver Hibert.)

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If you’re using oracle cards find a card in your deck that represents love, relationships, and personal connections. (Below is the Work Your Light oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell with art by Danielle Noel.)

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Set the intention for your session before you start. Hold your cards and take a few deep breaths and focus on how your heart feels. When you think of this relationship how do you feel emotionally and physically? What is worrying you or has you feeling uncertain?

Shuffle your cards and state your concern out loud. You might want to say something like,I open the way for clarity around my relationship with (person’s name).How can we find healing, better understanding, and a mutually loving connection?

Place your card in the center of your workspace. On the left side, you’ll be pulling cards that represent you. On the right side, you’ll pull cards to represent the other person.

For each question, you’ll pull a card for you and then a card for the other person at the same time. This is instead of pulling all the cards for you and then all the cards for the other person. As you ask one question you’ll set the intention “This card represents me in this question,” then pull your card and lay it out and then set the intention “This card represents (person’s name) in this question,” and then pull a card and lay it out for them in the other column.

With each card, you want to take a moment before pulling the next so that you can see what kind of mental, emotional, or even physical reaction you have to that card. A card you pull for yourself may feel really comforting but the card you pull for the other person feels concerning. And sometimes it may go the other way. Note these first reactions and then get into the more intellectual analyzing about the cards in relation to the question.

Consider how your card and the card for the other person react or interact with each other. Are they cards that resonate together or do they clash? Does one seem to be more dominant than the other? If you’re using tarot are the elements opposing or complementary? If the cards represent people, like court cards in the tarot or specific types of people in an oracle deck, do you feel they resonate with who they were pulled for? Can you see yourself in that Queen of Swords you pulled or see your partner or friend in the card that represents a Teacher from an oracle deck?

Take your time. Remember that clarity doesn’t come fast or easy. If it didn’t we wouldn’t need to use these processes like we do.

Questions and Cards to Pull:? Card 1 - What do we need to see more clearly?? Card 2 - Where have we not been honest with ourselves?? Card 3 - What do we need to let go?? Card 4 - What do we need to embrace?? Card 5 - How can we heal this connection?

The last two cards are not related to either of you specifically but are focused on the situations as a whole. Place Card 6 above your center card and Card 7 below it.? Card 6 - What is the best we can hope for?? Card 7 - What is the advice from Spirit for the next moon cycle?[wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]

The the left is you, to the right is the other person.Above the center card is Card 6, below is Card 7.

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You can do your reading, meditate on the answer, and journal your insights and then leave it at that. Put your cards away and use that wisdom to help begin the healing process as needed. But if you’d like to take it a little further you can add a little magick here.

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New Moon in Gemini Card Spell: Heal Relationship Communication


For this you’ll need: ? Two rose quartz stones? A lodestone? A large blue candle (a large taper or 7-day vigil candle works best)? Two white tea lights (with more on hand for additional lightings)? An oil for communication (this can be an essential oil like jasmine, rosemary, or violet or it can be a magickal condition blend like Clarity, Healing, or even Reconciliation if there is an actual argument or separation going on)

After you have completed your reading process, look for one card from your pile and one card from your partner’s pile that is particularly challenging. These could be from the same question or they may not be.

Pull these cards out, put away the rest, and place the cards on your altar with the Lovers/central card you used in between. Have your card to the left and theirs on the right.

Dress all three candles with your oil. Place the blue candle above your center card and one tea light above each of the cards on the side.

Light the blue candle in the center and say:Communication and clarity always find a way when a light is cast on the shadows.

Light your tea light from the blue candle’s flame and say:I open the path for healing and commutation with (person’s name) to flow.

Light the other person’s tea light from the blue candle and say:I send light, love, and healing energies to (person’s name) so that they may become open to healing and communication with me.

Place a piece of rose quartz on the center of your card and say:May this challenge/block be healed so this energy can flow.

Place the other piece of rose quartz on the center of the other person’s card and say:May (person’s name) be free of the challenges/blocks that keep this energy from flowing through them.

Place the lodestone in the center of the Lovers/central card and say:May we be drawn together to heal and communicate clearly through the power of love for each other as well as ourselves.

Allow the tea lights to burn down and then snuff out the blue candle. Each day between now and the next new moonlight the blue candle and burn down another tea light for each of you resetting your intention. Snuff out the blue candle when the tea lights go out.

Watch for changes in your communication and relationship. You may find that you don’t need to do this for a full 28 days. Do this for as long as you need to, ending the work sooner if you need to. If you find that the next new moon comes and things aren’t changed or have become worse, it may be time to do another reading to evaluate whether or not it may be time to end this relationship. I love using a Two Path style spread for these kinds of situations to weigh your options between ending this or stepping up the attempts to mend things.

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