Saturday's Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon

This Saturday, December 10th, brings us another wonderful opportunity for full moon magick with the added boost of a full lunar eclipse.  While it may not be visible where you live, that doesn't mean that the eclipse energy isn't there.  One thing to remember about planetary, lunar, and solar energies is that while you can't see it, it's still happening which means the energy is still pumping away!  So how should you use that energy to your advantage this time around?  Consider the fact that during a lunar eclipse the moon goes through all of its phases; this time it will start full, then wane, go dark, turn new, then wax, and come back full once again.  That's a lot of energy to tap into!When a full moon and an eclipse happen together the powers of rebirth are especially strong.  Considering that we're also coming into a time of year where rebirth is part of our magickal themes this is a good time to also consider some magick of that sort such as re-dedications and renewal to your path and spirituality as well as personal projects.This is also the Full Oak Moon in Gemini which brings a time for healing, uncrossing, and working with communication issues.  With the eclipse energy it would be a great time for the uncrossing work especially, but it's also a good time to try and put issues to bed and really just prepare to move forward in a positive manner.  What a wonderful affirmation for those who, during this holiday season, might be dealing with some of the common family tensions that come with this time of year.Some suggestions for magick tonight:

  • banishing and releasing work to rid yourself of bad habits and things that are holding you back from reaching your goals
  • adding that last boost to existing magick you may have been working on (it's a good time to send added energy and an extra push toward your goals)
  • divination work to try and see answers to particularly cloudy situations
  • meditation work to connect to and commune with the shadow self
  • drawing on triple strength and power for change
  • re-dedication to your path and the power of positive forward motion

There is no Moon Void of Course times for today so you're free to work your magick on 10th when you need to.  The moon will go VOC on Sunday the 11th from 2:41am until 2:11pm eastern time.  So be sure to work your magick on Saturday with the moon phase and the eclipse!


Remember to ENJOY it!


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