Shadows & Light: Sea Storm

Today's Shadows & Light card is Sea Storm.  "Calm amidst chaos".  This was an interesting card to draw since the two Soul Cards that I drew for the day on the Facebook page were Surrender and Believe, two things things that you really need to do when you're caught in that sea of chaos that life sometimes guides us into.

Sea Storm reminds us of a few things.  First, we always need to be tuned into our inner wisdom, because when all else fails, that is what will guide us home and lead us back to our inner and outer places of peace.  Secondly, there are going to be times and situations that are just out of our control and we have no choice but to succumb to the choppy waves and storms around us.  There are times that we know it's better to let the drama happen around us than to throw ourselves into the fray of it all because, in the end, we'll likely be less scared by just going with the flow.

The Sea Storm spirit is here to remind you that even though you may be dealing with a great deal of drama or chaos in your life in one way or another, it is nothing that you can't get through if you're willing to weather that storm.  You need to let go of your attachments to the people and situations involved and listen to your inner voice and let that be your guide as to what to do and where to go next.  This is a time of transition.  You may feel like you're out in the middle of that stormy sea without a paddle and no idea of what direction to head.  By letting go of the emotions surrounding what is happening and stilling your mind so you can hear your inner guidance you'll be able to find a more clear path very soon.

The big thing that stands out for me today in this card is both the lightning in the background and her trance-like stare.  The lightning seems to be happening quickly but she knows where she is headed and her guidance seems to be leading her, almost on auto-pilot, but she trusts that her guidance is leading her away from the lightning and out of the storm and that she is on her way to safety.  If you can establish that sense of trust with yourself and follow that sort of guidance, you too will be able to stay this calm in the chaos.

Like this deck?  Consider purchasing it on Amazon! Oracle of Shadows & Light


Happy Blood Moon!


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