5 Rituals in 5 Minutes for AM Magic!
One of the big things that kills me is when I meet someone who's super interested in the idea of magic, ritual and spiritual practice but when they go to explaining why they don't do they say "Oh, who has the time! I'm so freakin' busy!"Yup, you are. I am too and so are all the other amazing people in the world who do things like meditation, divination, journaling and visioning on a daily basis. The difference between those people and Ms. Excuses over here is that they put their spiritual practice in the No Excuses No Exceptions list of their daily lives. In the end they are better people for it!And I promise you many of these people are working with short, focused, intentioned kinds of ritual and practice.Meditation is the one thing I bring up the most because it's the thing that most people point to and balk at because of time. But the fact is if you sit down for even 30 seconds and take a deep breath and let go of your stress you're going to move on with the rest of your day from a much happier, centered, clearer place.I mean...Oprah meditates. Russell Simmons is a big time meditator {he just wrote a book about it}. Howard Stern, Moby, David Lynch, Jerry Seinfeld, Liv Tyler, Lena Dunam...all busy, busy people who are said to be active meditators.But let's go past meditation. How would you like you infuse your day with gratitude, bless your day with productivity, infuse your aura with protection and energetically open the way to doors to your big dreams every day with 5 minutes or less? And all from the moment you get up!You can do it! Super simple.Do these 5 rituals that take under 5 minutes each as you start your day - do it every day - and BOOM! Babe, you just created a spiritual practice!
Now it's your turn!
:speech_balloon: First, pop into the comments below and tell me what your favorite way is to start your day by infusing it with some magic, ritual and spirit?:pushpin: Next, hover over the image above and pin it! Show others in your Pinterest tribe how easy it is to give a little spiritual buff and polish to their day.:newspaper: And lastly, come on over and take a look at two super important blog posts you may have missed that will help you even further.[su_list icon="icon: hand-o-right" icon_color="#2fb8ae"]
- 50 Must Have Meditation Tips - because you know how much I want you meditating!
- Why This Spiritual Stuff Matters - because if you're wondering why the point is of even starting a daily practice, this is going to blow the doors wide open.
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