Manifest With Simple Tarot Spells
I love working with tarot spells. They a easy, require little in the way of supplies, and are super powerful catalysts for change and manifesting your desires. You just need a deck of cards, a safe space to set them up where they can be left for a period of time, and a few minutes a day to focus on them, say an affirmation, and do a little meditation.Today I'm sharing with you a spell for breaking through blocks and confusion. This is one I shared with a client recently but I really wanted to share it with all of you as a framework for creating your own simple tarot spells. Plus, I love this one. :)This is a simple one that only uses three cards. I've done some crazy big ones that use 12 cards before but 3 to 5 cards can do it just fine.This isn't a "magic bullet" but a way to focus your energy and desires for the Universe to help open the way for you to get what you're after. So you do have to take real world steps and you have to know what to do. So this take a little planning. The cards create a visual and energetic road map to follow through your problem. The also work as projectors and filters for the energy in your life and the situation.
What Ails You?
When you're creating a tarot spell you need to know three things
- What is your problem or issue that needs help
- What do you need to do to get through it
- What is the outcome you desire
For our example we're saying that the problem is confusion and feeling like you're dealing with either lack of clarity or illusions. We know we need to make a decision about a direction to go and the will to do our part. The result we're after is "clear skies and bright sun" - joy, clarity, happiness and success.
Work It!
Working your spell is simple. Begin by finding a place that you can do this where you can leave your cards {and any other items you may use} in place and in sight for the time you work the spell.You can use any tarot deck you like. Here you'll see me using the Wild Unknown Tarot, which right now I am completely in love with. The key here is that the deck you use has cards you need to work with that really speak to you. Ideally the deck should be cleared before using it. You can do this by putting all the cards in order {put the major arcana in order, then each suit in order, then stack the cards together}. Then take the deck and hold it in your non-dominant hand {the one you don't write with} and with your dominant hand tap or knock on it three times. {I'm going to fully admit, because my tarot students will know this, I used to think this knocking the energy out was ridiculous, but I've been doing it the last handful of months with all my decks before I do a reading and it works perfectly.}When you do your spell is up to you. You can work with the moon cycles or you can do it just when you need it.On your altar surface set up your cards. Your Problem card to the left, Action card in the center, Result card to the right. For our confusion situation we're using the Moon, the Chariot, and the Sun.
Once you've got your cards out you can add other things if you'd like such as crystals or candles. I've add crystals, one for each card - black tourmaline for clearing the confusion, clear quartz point to amplify the power of the actions, and citrine to strengthen the outcome.Now it's time to pray, meditate, and talk to any guides, angels, or deities that you want to ask for help and guidance from. Do this in your own way.
Decide on an affirmation to help you move through the cards. With this one I would use something like:
I am seeing through the shadows and taking inspired action to move into the sunlight.
Every day take a few minutes to look at your cards, say your affirmation, and ask your helping spirits for guidance. As you begin to get answers and see your problem start to shift, begin to slowly, a little each day, move the Problem card under the Action card.
As you start to see the big results in your Results card start to come to pass, slowly move the Action card {with the Problem card still under it} underneath the Results card.
When you're all done and your spell has manifested you can leave your stack of cards out for a little while to help you stay focused on the positive. I like to burn a tea light and some offertory incense at this point as a thank you to the spirits for their help.
Here's a little tarot spell worksheet for you to use to use this simple system to create your own tarot spells!
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Need help figuring out what tarot cards to use for your spell? Just ask in the comments and I'd be happy to help!
Want to learn more about tarot so you can learn to read and cast spells with the cards with confidence? Check out my intuitive tarot reading program In The Cards.