So I was thinking...

I've been thinking of getting in on the whole "vlogging" bandwagon. Not to be on the wagon, per se, but because it can certainly make some stuff a little easier. Doing instructional stuff on, say, altar work, might a hell of a lot easier, and more fun too, by doing it through video rather than just writing it all out in the blog. Plus I sometimes think I come off a bit too "proper" when I write (which isn't really a bad thing) but doing videos of stuff would be a little more casual and less intimidating (maybe?), so I'm thinking about it. That's also why I was asking on Facebook about a camera. I have the little webcam thing built into my laptop but it's crappy and I have a regular webcam but that's sort of "eh". Definitely not as good as a camera would be. So I'm going to go and see what I can find at Best Buy this weekend. I want to spend less than $200 and it has to have a swivel screen. I found a few on their website so we'll see what I find on the store.

So does anyone have any thoughts on the idea of seeing occasional video posts? Good, bad...don't care? I'm just curious.


If you were having a movie marathon...


RIP Marion Weinstein