The Power of Practice - Day 4: Daily Spiritual Practice Tips with Rachel MacDonald!
Let me introduce to you Rachel MacDonald, life and blogging coach, writer and speaker. If you haven't met Rachel before online through her awesome website In Spaces Between or through her work with the lovely Tara Bliss {who was featured on Day 1} through their co-authored work on Spirited and the Spirited 2014 Companion, then you're in for a treat!Rachel is a life and blog coach, speaker and writer who delivers soul and spirit with everything she does. She is passionate about helping people find true, authentic inspiration so they can live big amazing lives rather than just dreaming about them.Recently I was taking Rachel's inspiring blogging course Bright-Eyes & Blog-Hearted and I knew that I had to try and grab her for few words of wisdom for our series this week. Rachel is super busy writing, traveling and inspiring souls everywhere but she was able to stop and answer a few questions about her practice for us.
What spiritual practices or rituals do you use on a regular basis to help support your life and business?
The big ones for me are slipping into a meditation, reconnecting with my body - most often on the yoga mat - and asking for guidance via prayer or oracle cards. I get seriously high on the deepened sense of creativity, clarity and intuitive connection that comes as a by-product of regularly clearing my chakras (this mediation by my mentor Belinda Davidson is my favorite). Also, setting intentions around how I want to feel is also a biggie for me, in both my business and life outside my business. The very act of defining how I'll show up in any given situation - the energy I intend to bring to the table - makes the world of difference.
What kind of impact have they had in your creativity, productivity, and happiness?
A huge impact! When I'm intentional about my approach, life seems to gift me synchroncities, opportunities, a whole lotta magic and more joy than you can poke a stick at. Without a doubt, I'm more productive and creative when I'm present and co-creating with the Universe from a place of trust.
If there was one spiritual practice that you would like to see try out and incorporate into their lives and businesses to support their dreams, what is it? Any tips on how to work with it?
Stillness. Amongst many other beautiful things, creating space to 'come home to yourself' and check in on a soul-level - even for just five minutes a day - will help make sense of the tangle of stories that can keep you from actualizing your dreams. When you're supporting yourself in that way, you raise your vibration. Stuff starts to happen. You get clear. You can separate the ego/ inner critic nonsense from the truth. A pretty rockin' thing, no?!We have the tendency to put meditation in the 'too hard basket' but it truly can be as simple as reconnecting with your breath. Start there and see where it takes you. Thanks Rach! You can rock your life and biz with spirit and creativity like Rachel...
About Rachel
Rachel MacDonald is a life and blog coach, soul-centred writer and speaker, and was selected as one of Problogger’s ‘Top 15 Bloggers to Watch in 2013.’ She is the co-author of Spirited: Soulful Lessons on Clarity, Connection + Coming Home (to You) and Spirited 2014 Companion: Spirited Solutions to What’s Holding You Back and created the mega-popular six-week blogging ecourse Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted.With unwavering enthusiasm, electric insights and a whole lotta heart, Rachel guides passion-fuelled women out of fear and uncertainty, and into lives and businesses they love (and truly desire).Rachel believes in big ideas, fresh perspectives, freedom, self-love, beach runs and your innate brilliance. Clarity meets creativity, intention meets inspired action. That’s her special brand of magic.Connect with Rachel at In Spaces Between, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @rachelmagahy. [hcshort id="12"]