We're Angels, Not Genies
Something has been bugging the angelic pantaloons off of me for the last month or so.See this emoji? :flushed:Pay attention because you're likely to see it a lot in this post.This is the emoji I use whenever I want to express the following in text/chat speak:
You may have heard about it or seen it around the internet over the last years but I hadn't heard about it until a month or so ago thanks to Periscope.It's called "Hosting the Archangels", a ritual of sorts where you invite in 5 of the archangels into your home for 5 days and then you find someone else to "send them to" for the next 5 days and so on and so on.In a lot of ways it's like a bizarre spiritual chain letter. Someone sends these archangels to your home, you write a letter with three wishes on it, set up and altar to them in your home, and then you have to find someone who will carry on the ritual when your 5th day is over by inviting them into their home for 5 days...and so on and so on.On a few websites I read talking about this ritual they say that after the angels leave your home they "take 5 days off" to rest before going to the next home. :flushed: Apparently the idea is that at the end of the 5 days, if you have been a good host to the angels and find a new home to host them after you, your wishes will come true...or some bullshit like that.The "ritual" seems to vary. Some people say you have to have a white candle lit for them at all times through the 5 days. Some say to burn the letter of wishes after they leave and scatter the ashes while others say to keep it in your Bible until all your wishes are granted.Some others say you have to give them a piece of fruit as an offering on your altar. Some say to eat the fruit after the angels leave because it will somehow have extra nutrients because the angels have blessed it.That last one particularly makes me scratch my head because food given as an offering becomes energetically drained and shouldn't even be eaten. If you're leaving it out and asking it to be blessed, that's different, but if the intention is for it to be an offering...just no.The archangels that are "hosted" with this crazy thing are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Metatron...and apparently Ariel, but she's optional. Which is funny to me...you want to have the Lioness of God as an "optional" guest? :flushed: OK, so let's back this up for a second because I feel like there needs to be bit of an explanation about some of this. And to be honest there's little explanation to be found so I'll share what I could fine.It seems this whole angel ritual started in 2010 when a German medium living in New York received spiritual inspiration to do this after watching the movie "Pay It Forward". After I did a little searching it turns out this actually DID start out as a chain email instructing people on how to invite in three "highly placed angels" {not specifically archangels or specific archangels} to come and "help them meet three personal wishes". :flushed: Then there's specifics about how to go about. {Here is a link to a very annoying and hard on the eyes website that has one of the oldest versions of this info that I could find if you're curious.}This version dated from 2011 varies quite a bit from what I've seen from posts dated in the last few years. Now there are specific angels, specific kinds of wishes to be made and all sorts of other stuff.Regardless this is all bullshit to me. And my angel guides agree. It's nice and cute, sure. I'm sure it's also very comforting to people doing this in times of trouble, need and grief. But it's still bullshit.It's bullshit because the archangels are never under anyone's "instruction" or "command", if you will, to grant wises or stay in someone's home.They have no concept of time like we do. They don't know what 5 days means and they definitely aren't wearing a watch waiting for the clock to strike 10:30pm to be let in your house.They're angels, not vampires. They don't need to be "invited in".All angels, archangels included, are bilocational. They're all over the place with all kinds of people doing all kinds of things all the time. You know why? Because they're energy! Now, you might be thinking "Jess, you're taking this a bit too literally. I'm sure there are multiple people doing this at the same time, right?"Of course! There's no central Angel Hosting Registry. {For the love of God, I'm NOT trying to give anyone any ideas, so just...don't}. But this is all the more reason why I call bullshit on all of this. You might also be saying "But Jess, some people are saying they're having amazing experiences with hosting the angels at their homes. What about that, huh!?"I'm sure some people are truly having some great experiences, but it's not because 5 archangels are crashing on their couch and magically granting wishes for 5 days. It's because for 5 days their energy, attention and focus is very squarely being placed on connecting to their angels. They have an altar set up now in their home where there wasn't one before which is drawing their attention and building energy with angelic intention. During those 5 days their intention is also well placed on the three wishes they have asked for so intention and energy are being sent to those things. There is also the power of belief that there are angels in there home where normally there aren't any and that alone raises the spiritual vibration in their space and in their lives.Where attention does, energy flows!But guess what! They could do this any time they wanted without all this human pomp and circumstance and without the weird chain letter aspect of having to "pass the angels on" to someone else to get their wishes to come true. After watching probably the 4th person on Periscope talking about this and feeling my frustration about this silliness just increase, I started doing the research into the history of this and wasn't surprised to find a lot of what I did {or should I say didn't} find.So I asked Michael. And I asked Metatron. And then Uriel wanted to have a say. And here's what they told me in as best as I could recall their words. {I really have to start writing our conversations down in real time.}
We don't understand why humans need to feel they are in control of everything around them all the time. This is what causes so much of your suffering. We do not need rituals and invitations to help you with your healing or your needs. We need only to be welcomed into your heart and into your life. We do not need offerings and we do not need instructions. We only need your permission to help you. We do not need to be told where to go or who to help. They only need to tell us that we are needed and we will be there to assist in whatever way they are willing to receive our love and our guidance. We are angels, messengers of God's highest order. We are not genies who grant wishes to those who will not help themselves. We are with everyone who needs us any time they need us. We do not stop working because that is our divine charge from God.
So, basically, you do not need to put your name on a list on a website to have the angels with you.The angels do not "grant wishes" but rather help you when you ask for their help and you are willing to help yourself.The angels do not need you to tell them who's house to go to next. They are already helping that person if they have asked for the help {and for the love of all things holy they don't need to be given a damn street address to go to, as some of these rituals have instructed...do you really think they need an address to find someone...seriously? :flushed: } Want to connect with the angels?Instead of this silliness just simply do this. Think of them. That's it! Know your angels and then simply ask them for the help and guidance you need when you need it. A simple prayer like this, modified as needed for the angel you wish to connect with, while trusting that they are already working on your behalf if all you need.Thank you, Archangel Michael, for using your flaming sword of truth to cut away all the unnecessary and unwanted energies and blocks from my life. I am reaching my goals easily and swiftly with your help and guidance. Or, my version....Thank you, Archangel Michael, for cutting all the bullshit out of my way on my path so I can get shit done with grace and ease and with my sanity in tact. Trust me, he gets it.[wc_spacing size="40px"]