Tarot for March (Welcome Back!)
The monthly tarot reading is back! I had moved this over to my tarot blog (which is now happily collecting dust over at Blogger) but now I'm bringing it back here and doing the smaller version with the three card reading for the month. I am going to resume tarotscopes in April but that will be specifically sent to those that are signed up for my newsletter, which I am in the process of reworking and relaunching in April. If you'd like to be able to receive that each month, please sign up! There will be all kinds of news and info coming out to newsletter subscribers and special offers that only they will get. So if you're not signed up, do it today! :)March Tarot ReadingThis reading is a three card spread that looks at the general tone of the month of March and anything that we should be aware of for this month. Be mindful tat Mercury goes retrograde on March 12th and goes direct again April 4th. This will naturally flavor the second half of the month a little bit. But remember, how Mercury Retrograde impacts your life is all in what you make of it.The deck I'm using this month is one of my favorite non-traditional tarot decks that I don't use nearly enough; the Osho Zen Tarot. I hope you enjoy this reading!
Our three cards for this month are:5 of Water - Clinging To The PastPage of Rainbows - Adventure10 of Clouds - RebirthIn the first card, Clinging To The Past, we see a woman in a tattered dress clutching a box will of all kinds of things, which is clearly heavy and cumbersome for her to be carrying. Yet, she's so focused on trying to balance the box and carry it with her that she doesn't see the giant goblet behind her with all the energy coming from it and surrounding her. All these sparks of light and energy are ignored in favor of this heavy box of chaos. In the process her outer world, symbolized in her dress, has become a torn mess that she's tried in vein to patch up in order to keep things together.In the beginning of the month it would be wise to do a little mental spring cleaning and start to find what things you have been carrying with you from that past that you no longer need. You cannot relive the past, and trying to do so is just a test of futility, so it's best to put that box down and look around you to see what you're missing out on in the present. See what you can release now before the month gets away from you...and before Mercury moves into its retrograde period!In the second card, Adventure, we see a small child wondering through the woods and headed into a bright and inviting orb of rainbow light. The important thing to notice here is that the child is full of trust, moving through a dark forest toward an unusual orb or light that emanates from its depths without any hesitation. The child is just full of wonder and curiosity, as well as hope and excitement, that all the child cares about is getting to the rainbow light and seeing what it has to offer. The essence of this card is about moving into the unknown, not with a sense of fear or worry, but childlike excitement and wonder in order to let what is to come unfold naturally before us.Once you have worked through whatever it is that you need to release it's time to start looking at what you now have room to invite into your life. Remember, if you can't let go, you can't make room to grow. So letting go of that box of chaos is the first step. Then you'll find you have the freedom to move ahead into your own ball of rainbow light with joy and excitement. This month may offer you some great opportunities for meeting new people and trying new things, but if you approach them with fear or a sense of trepidation, you're going to find it hard to really get the most from your experience. Now is the time to start your path of adventure in your own life.And the final card, Rebirth, shows the interesting idea of the growth of the consciousness as Nietzsche once described it. Nietzsche described it as having three levels, each depicted by a symbol. The first shown as the camel, a level of dull and sleepy energy where we live in a state of delusion where we feel we are at the top of the world when really we are at the bottom of the mountain so consumed by other's ideas of us that we can barely move. The second is shown as the lion. Here we discover what we've been missing out as we've sat stagnate as the camel and we begin to live on our own terms, without care or worry for what others think. And the final level is represented by the child, a level of consciousness where we are not apathetic nor angry, where we have come to a place of innocence and understanding and we just exist as our true selves in state of centeredness. The end message is that all states of consciousness evolve but we have to evolve with it, growing from one state to the next, especially if we wish to see anything come from our efforts.As the month winds down you may find that the things you've learned in your previous efforts during the month have brought you to a new state of consciousness and awareness about yourself, others, and the world around you. This is the natural progression of the self, but we have to allow room for the evolution to take place otherwise we find we get a little stuck in the in-between of things and it gets hard to evolve in the end. Allow yourself to change, allow your understanding of the world, yourself, and your spirituality to change. You're coming to a higher state of awareness and you're growing more into your authentic self.Have a wonderful month of March! Be sure to sign up for the newsletter too!And if you're looking for a personalized reading stop by the Spiritual Services section of my shop, The Witch's Parlor, where I have recently added several year long monthly reading packages along with my existing single reading offerings.