The end for Lisa Hunt?
Today I saw a tweet come through that I guess shouldn't have been a surprise, but when you hear that one of your favorite tarot artists is going to pack it in, you still stop and do a "wha?" sort of reaction.
"I'm thinking about retiring from publishing. After 20 years, I'm ready to be a fine artist. The Fairy Tale Tarot is one of my final efforts."
She's been creating some of the most beautiful Pagan inspired art and tarot decks for years and her's have always been the ones I've instantly been drawn to. Even if I don't read with them, like in the case of the Animal Divine deck, I still find myself using the cards for meditation and magickal work because they are so utterly stunning. Her most recent offering, "The Fairy Tale Tarot" is no exception! And the meanings and symbolisims she placed behind the cards and the stories they depict are fantastic.
It's a shame to lose her art in this format but her work is amazing no matter what and seeing her do more fine art work will be no less wonderful. Everything has to come to an end and move on to something else otherwise it just gets to be something we lose love and passion for. The last thing I'd ever wish on an artist like Lisa would be to lose that passion for creating.
So many blessings of luck and prosperity as you move forward in your artistic journey!

Mood: thankful