The Modern Witch Moves to Pagan Radio Network
Tonight Devin and I were getting ready to get things started for our episode this week of The Modern Witch. It had been a weird day; everything seemed to be pointing toward something not being right with the show for tonight. I could feel it from the minute I logged in to get things set up for the night. Our topic had morphed from sacred sites to earth magick (mostly my doing because I didn't know that we were really going to be talking specifically about sacred sites for two hours). After getting all organized, and Devin managing to get home in time despite a few snafus on the way home, we were ready to go! I go to log into the show to get the switchboard started and...nothing. BlogTalk isn't letting me in. Devin tries and he can't get in. I try another browser and I still can't get in. Devin does the same thing and still, bupkis. So since we couldn't get logged in and couldn't even access the show page we had to cancel tonight's show. I knew it. I had felt that coming all day.These problems with BlogTalk have been all too common since we started using BTR in October, and they've been mounting. We had said we'd give it a year but this was the nail in the coffin, for sure. We'd had all the other problems possible...dead air, dropped called, half a show sounding like we were under water. You name it. So we decided this was it. We made the decision that we would go back to a per-recorded format since we had a lot of feedback from people missing that format, especially because we couldn't play music on BlogTalk and that was one of the favorite aspects of the show for a lot of people. So it was time to go back to the previous format.
But, we have even better news. We're going to be bringing out show to the Pagan Radio Network. This is a pretty exciting move for us because it gives us a chance to reach even more people with our show! And it's nice to know that we're going to be with a professional internet radio station. This along with the announcement of our new magazine, Modern Witch Magazine, which will see its premier issue in February it pretty damn exciting! And it's only the second week of January! No doubt that 2012 is going to be a big year.The Modern Witch will be back starting next Saturday, January 21st, on Pagan Radio Network at 3pm EST/12pm PST. Then (we anticipate) on Saturday nights launching the podcast for download to the public so that it airs first on PRN. The show will remain two hours in length and will feature a variety of content including music, interviews, roundtable discussions, and more. It will be what Modern Witch was before BlogTalk and then some. As we have direct links available and whatnot we'll be sure to share them!So be sure to join us when we unveil our reborn show on the 21st at PRN!