The Modern Witch Samhain Show on 10/25!
Things are LONG over due for an update around here, and I'll be getting to that very soon! But first I wanted to let you all know about what's happening with The Modern Witch show! As many of you may know by now, Devin Hunter and I started the live versions of The Modern Witch last week. We're doing a live weekly show on BlogTalkRadio every Tuesday night starting at 6pm PST/9pm PST. Each week we have a theme or topic where we invite different bloggers, authors, radio and internet personalities, and others in the Pagan community to come and join us for fun, lively discussions about what's what! Each month we are having one show with a "big name Pagan" and the rest of the time we're putting our focus on helping get others who are lesser known have a chance to get in contact with the community more through the show!
This week is our Samhain show! This Tuesday, October 25th, we'll have the always fun and interesting Raven Digitalis with us to talk about this most sacred night of the Witch's year. We'll be talking about magick, honoring our Ancestors and Mighty Dead, and what goes into working with this gateway to the dark half of the year. We're also going to be joined early in the show by David Salisbury, the head of the DC area PNC bureau and a member of the staff at the Capital Witch blog. David is going to be talking to us about the event planned for October 30th in DC for the Pagan community to work some counter prayer and energy work in answer to the DC40 51 Days of Prayer initiative. We're also going to be very briefly talking about the newly begun reforming of the American Council of Witches, now being called the US American Council of Witches and some of the...well...interesting...things going on there.Later in the second half of the show we'll be opening up the phone lines to take your calls with questions for Raven Digitalis along with your Ask A Witch questions. You can call with questions about Samhain or anything else magickal that you wish to discuss!