The Shift You Need To Heal Your Abundance Flow
Everyone at some point hits an abundance block. Sometimes those blocks are short lived. Sometimes happens and they clear up quick and we move on. But other times we can find ourselves stuck for a while in an abundance block that we don't even always recognize. We know it's there but we can't see it.This is an abundance and Law of Attraction issue. And it might seem a little paradoxical at first. But that old saying "You have to spend money to make money" has some big truth behind it.Let me show you an image. It's the Four of Earth card from one of my absolute favorite tarot decks, The Gaian Tarot. This is the Four of Earth, known traditionally as the Four of Pentacles. This card is affectionately known as "the Miser card". It represents saving money and resources, sometimes to the point of hoarding, and really protecting the things we have, mainly those things ruled by the element of earth {money, health, material objects, etc}.The image in this deck is one of my favorites for this card. Squirrels are amazing hoarders. They spend months before the winter storing and collecting nuts and hiding them in trees. They tuck them between roots, bury them at the base of the a tree, push them into the crevices in the bark. They scent them and the space where they store them to make finding them easier but because they gather so many nuts and put them all over the place they usually only find about 10% of their stash every winter. And that's actually all they need.We don't want to be like squirrels in the sense of spending all our time gathering money, wealth, and resources when we don't need all that we're gathering. Without realizing it we do this a lot with our resources.When we're worried about our abundance and financial security we have a tendency to hoard what we have and what we get. We save every penny like it's our last, even when we still have a job and we know we're going to get paid again next week. We go into survival mode and hang on to our resources "just in case".But there's a problem with this.When we do this we're approaching our money and finances from a place of fear. We're fearful that we don't have enough. Maybe we're afraid that there's going to be an emergency that we can't pay for or that we might lose our jobs and we'll have no money.From the standpoint of the Law of Attraction this puts us in the position of having great fear and worry around money and what we project is what we get. If we're fearful about money we're going to get more fear around money. Not more money to make us less fearful, but more fear attached to the money we do receive.This is where making money and spending money connect.When we're trying to make money or increase our abundance we have to project a vibe the says "I know the Universe has unlimited supplies of wealth and abundance and that I will always have what I need." We do this in part by not being afraid to spend the money we have.Now, there's a distinction to be made here. I'm not talking about frivolous spending and just going out and dropping cash all over town on crap you don't need. Instead I'm talking about spending money without guilt, fear, or worry on things that are meaningful and important for you.This might mean going out to dinner with friends and not worrying about spending $50. Maybe you've really been looking to get a new outfit for work because you'd like to do the whole "dress for the job you want not the job you have" thing. So you go out and spend $200 on a whole new outfit.You spend this money and you do it without worry because you make a point to still spend within reason. You're spending it on things that are important for you and give you a sense of joy. You're spending money with gratitude knowing that you'll receive that money back and then some.If you don't have something you need or want but you recognize that you're hoarding your money from a place of fear and you wish to shift it, donate your money. Give money to a cause that is near and dear to your heart. Instead of $200 on an outfit for work donate $200 to a homeless shelter, a children's charity, or an animal sanctuary.The idea is the same. You're spending and giving {either to yourself or to others} without fear or guilt knowing that you will receive back the money you give.Your abundance builds in response to how you treat abundance in the world. Give and spend with gratitude and the know that abundance is infinite and the Universe will respond to that vibration.[wc_spacing size="40px"]
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