Tonight's Lunar Eclipse

Tonight we have the first lunar eclipse in 34 months happening and it falls in line with a full moon and the winter solstice.  The last time that a lunar eclipse and the winter solstice happened on the same day was in 1554!  The lunar eclipse is scheduled to happen 2:41am Eastern time (technically tomorrow).  The full moon will occur at 3:13am Eastern and the winter solstice will occur at 6:38pm Eastern.  All the energies will be closely connected and this presents a powerful opportunity to work with some amazing energy for transformation and renewal.  So what exactly can this all do for you magickally?Consider the process of the lunar eclipse; this is going to be a total lunar eclipse that will be visible in North and South America, most of Northern Europe and some of Western Europe and Asia.  When the eclipse takes place we see the moon slowly become covered in darkness and through that process you see the moon go through all of it's phases.  We see the Maiden, Mother, and Crone during this period of time when this process is happening.  With the full moon happening at the same time we can see all of this as being highly amplified as well.  Add in the power of rebirth and renewal of the winter solstice and you've got some great opportunity to work with magick to draw strong change into your life.Here are some suggestions for themes to use for spells and magick for tonight:

  • banishing seriously bad habits that you are truly ready to release
  • getting the final boost to make a major life change
  • revealing the shadow in a situation
  • connecting with your own shadow and understanding deeper aspects of yourself
  • drawing on triple strength and power for change

While all of these events happen around the same time, they don't happen at the EXACT same time.  Does this make a huge difference? Not necessarily but the thing that will have diminished the most by the time most people are ready to do their Yule rituals will be the energy of the eclipse.  My personal recommendation, if you want to drawn on that energy, is to cast spells and magick for the eclipse on it's own tonight when the eclipse is occurring in your location, rather than waiting when that energy has passed.Another important thing to take into consideration is the Void of Course times.  The moon will actually be VOC during the eclipse from 3:13am to 4:22am Eastern time.  The eclipse is estimated to last about three hours so you will have the opportunity to still work with that energy but it's not ideal during this time.  If you don't recall what's behind VOC, this is when the moon is transitioning from one sign to another and it's believed that spells cast during this time do not bring results.  It's ideal to cast spells before or after the VOC process.  This moon is going to be transitioning out of Gemini and entering Cancer at 4:22am.  This could be something else to take into consideration for when to cast your spells and for what.  Gemini is great for issues related to study and learning as well as social interactions while Cancer connects strongly to emotions, vulnerability, and dealing obstacles in the way of our career and business success.


A Poem by Patricia Monaghan


My Yule Altar