Trying to pick a tool...

So I’ve been trying to decide which deck I wanted to use to try and do the daily readings that I have been doing on the blog.  I have a bag that I keep under my desk that has the oracle decks that I tend to use a lot with clients so that they are always near by.  I was looking through them and wasn’t sure what to use.  My biggest problem with the one I’ve been using is that the messages that are attached to the Goddesses do not make a lot of sense most of the time.  I don’t have a problem with Doreen Virtues oracle decks, for the most part.  I love her angel decks but I just can’t get on board with that Goddess one.  So here are some of the other ones that I’ve got pulled out.  I’ve attached links to them to pages on Aeclectic to see samples, get some feedback, etc where I could.  I’d love to hear thoughts from everyone though on what they’d like to hear from every day.  So check these out and comment with your thoughts and suggestions.Animal DreamingMagical Messages from the FairiesAsk Your GuidesAscended Masters Oracle CardsDaily Guidance From Your AngelsMagical Mermaids and DolphinsWisdom of the Hidden Realms  (this is a new one that I just got and it’s awesome…I am going to put together a review later this week for it)Angels, Gods and GoddessesHealing CardsThe Wisdom of AvalonSpirit of the WheelHealing with the FaeriesThe Well Worn Path and The Hidden Path (my decks are combined)Archangel Oracle CardsEnchanted OracleAngel Therapy CardsMessages From Your AngelsHealing With The AngelsMadame Endroa’s Fortune CardsThe Psychic Tarot (tarot-esque but has the feel of an oracle deck for me)Druid Animal OracleDruid Plant OracleMessages from your Animal Spirit GuidesFroud’s Faeries OracleThe Fairy RingSo what would you like?  Share your thoughts or other suggestions.  I this this covers my oracle deck collection pretty good though I’m positive there are a few decks I missed.  Let me hear what you’d like!


Congrats to the Augusta, GA Pagan Pride Day!


So much for that dream job as a Witch!