Two Words You Need: You're Fired!
Today I want to share something super special and important with you. Permission to use two very powerful words: You're Fired. Yes, I want you to get in touch with your inner Trump, because chances are you could use some of the Donald's clearcutting power in your life.A lot of people are afraid of doing this. Cutting ties with a person or a project, even a thought pattern and long held belief, brings up a lot of fear, worry, and uncertainty. And good for you if that happens! It should do that! If you felt indifferent about it then it wouldn't be something that you really need to do to create some big change in your life.
But more than anything I find most people want to do it but feel they don't have the permission or the power to do it.
"If I tell my friend I can't have them in my life anymore I'll like a bitch." "I can't fire my coach because that's sort of like admitting failure." "I can't let go of this project because I've told the world about it already!"
You can let these thing go and you should. If you don't and you let these things that you know in your mind are hold your back or weighing you down they will only get worse.And, even more damaging, when you don't let go of the people, projects, circumstances, and beliefs that aren't working you deprive yourself of a chance to see something better happen because you don't have the room for it in your life.So today I give you permission to get in touch with your inner Trump and declare You're Fired to whomever or whatever needs to be let go of in your life. Fire Your CoachIf you have a life, biz, health, or spiritual coach that isn't supporting you and isn't helping you, fire them! Have an honest conversation with them about how this isn't working. Don't feel you have to open up a path to negotiate a different relationship if you really feel in your gut that you need to end this. Know that you may still be financially responsible for your initial end of the contract {check any contracts or agreements you signed before your talk so you don't appear blindsided by that inevitable conversation}, but it's better to simply honor your financial agreement while ending the relationship then possibly deal with months of soul-crushing "support". Fire Your Friends
The truth is we grow apart and not every friend you had 20 years ago in college is still and ideal friend for you now. You may have gone in one direction and them another and you aren't speaking the same language anymore. They may be full of drama but you're happy and content with life and your happiness never seems to rub off on you but their misery attaches itself to you like a SpiderMonkey. If every time you get together with your old college roommate, and high school BFF, or former workmate that you've stated in contact with and you find that you alone polish off a bottle of red before the conversation is over, just let them go. Chances are they'll secretly thank you for it. Fire Your Projects
If it doesn't work anymore, stop doing it! Six months ago you may have thought that starting a business knitting kitten mittens was an awesome idea and you invested everything you had into it. You told everyone you knew that this was going to be your new thing - you even had dreams where you saw yourself standing in front of Marc Cuban on Shark Tank presenting your amazing booties for kitties and getting millions of investment dollars. Then you discovered as you started that kittens not only dislike mittens but it's the last thing they need and you're hundreds of dollars in the hole, never to recover. Stop doing it! Just because you told everyone you were going to be the kitten mitten kind or queen doesn't mean you have to drudge along doing it in misery. The truth is the fact that you tried to follow your dream is more than most people ever do, so you're already winning!
So here's what you're going to do:
- Declare your permission to fire who/what you need to. Unapologetic. "I'm not longer allowing _________ to have power in my life and I give myself permission to fire it from my life."
- Plan your exit. If this is a person you're cutting ties with know that you are holding firm and that this is not a negotiation but a firing. If you approach this like you're open to discussion then that's what you'll manifest from the experience. Take time to think it over in your head how you'll be firm. Rules of thumb - do it in person if you can, do it in public if you can, and plan to keep things to under 10 minutes. This isn't a dinner invite but maybe afternoon coffee and quick chat. Chances are if you're heading down this route the person is already going to know it's coming, unless you've been deadly silent about your feelings.
- Don't look back. If you're ending a relationship of some kind, then end it. That means no more being Facebook friends - it only opens a gateway for things to go back to the way they were in time. Take them out of your contact list - you aren't going to need to get in touch with them anymore. If it's a project then it's time to give away supplies you no longer needs, delete files on your computer that are linger, and take down websites if you need to. If this is something you've been doing publicly, let people know about your decision. Make sure you fulfill any last commitments to existing clients and customers.
- Start something new. If you ended a relationship, reconnect with someone who may have been a little neglected in your circle of friends. If you fired a coach, consider interviewing new ones - but only if you feel you need it {chances are you may not really need someone right now which is why you got to the point of firing the one you had}. Start a new project or simply take time to indulge your own creative curiosity and learn something new. The idea is to fill this void with something new so the old stuff doesn't get sucked back in like a vacuum.
You have permission to do this. You have permission to give a "You're fired" speech to anyone that needs it this week. It's time to take your power back!