Welcome to Switch Off Sundays!

Switch Off Sundays is something that a number of bloggers have suggested and put out there and I wanted to bring it here too.  The idea behind Switch Off Sunday varies from person to person but the overarching idea is that the day is spent disconnected from social media, turning off the computer, putting down the iPad, and in general doing things that don't involve computers and technology where possible.  This isn't easy!  We live in such a technology dependent world that even a single day going without Facebook, blogs, Google, Twitter, what have you is hard.  It's like a mental detox!The irony that I'm posting a blog on a Sunday about not using the internet on Sunday's doesn't escape me.  This week I can't really "switch off" entirely because my husband is away on business on the other side of the country so I need to have some kind of easy way for him to get in touch with me.  My cell phone and I are not friends these days so Skype is my big method of contact.  So today I'm not really off the grid but I thought it would be a great time to talk about how I'm going to share in Switch Off Sundays.[blockquote author="Unknown" align="center"]What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.[/blockquote]Since I'm sure most people, much like myself, probably are going to still pop onto the internet for a moment, even on a Switch Off Sunday, I thought it would be fun on Sunday's to share some ideas of what you could do for your Switch Off day.  I'll share writing and art prompts, suggested books to read, music to listen to, things to do or places to go.  Here are a few general ideas of what you can do with your time away...because if you just shut off without a plan you could find yourself twitching in a corner.  ;)  But keep in mind too that even switching off for half a day is better than what most of us do now, so try to make some time on Sunday's for a switch off activity.[list type="arrow2"][li]Paint something[/li][li]Start a scrapbook[/li][li]Journal about your dreams[/li][li]Try a new guided meditation[/li][li]Plan a spell that requires some research...from books![/li][li]Bake a cake[/li][li]Reread one of the first magickal books you ever read that inspired your path[/li][li]Go to a local zoo, public garden, or nature preserve and actually spend time in nature![/li][/list]The idea is to spend the day doing something sacred, something that feeds your soul, something that takes you away from the big distractions that often cause us to not pay attention to what's happening with us on the inside.  I'll be starting the Switch Off Sundays posts next Sunday.  I look forward to hearing about your Sunday plans and how your switch off days go!


Herbs, Pregnancy, and Cautions


Ask A Witch: Where I answer a question again because I didn't answer it the first time.