What's Derek Acorah Up To?
UK psychic medium Derek Acorah doesn't seem to make a lot of headlines over here in the US that often. You certainly hear a lot less of him in the US since his departure from the show "Most Haunted" which is shown here on The Travel Channel. And while this isn't really Acorah making US headlines, there are several stories about him making their way to us. Take your pick of what you'd like to hear about. You've got Derek Acorah talking to Michael Jackson or Derek Acorah having a fit on a fight from Spain. Let's start with the airplane story.

Acorah and his wife were on a flight from Alicante, Spain to Gatwick Airport in London. On the flight Acorah was reported to have had a verbal argument with his wife on the plane, stood up during the flight while the seatbelt light was on and also yelled and cursed at a woman on the plane who had a baby that was crying.
He didn't seem to know where he was and appeared drunk even before the plane took off. He started quarreling with his wife in the row behind me, swearing and shouting. She wasn't please with him leering at a stewardess. When a child started crying he shouted, 'Is that your f****** baby?'
- Jenny Hurley, flight passenger
There were reports that after the flight while at baggage claim Acorah was stumbling around, speaking loudly and appearing very confused. He was apparently unable to tell which bag was his and was overall out of sorts. Acorah's agent released a statement saying:
He was on antibiotics for a chest infection and had four little bottles of red wine. I can only assume that affected him in some way.
Most people that are familiar with Acorah know of his outbursts on the different shows he's been on which are usually attributed to either being possessed or, in the opinion of many, his bad acting. I suppose it all depends on how much you believe in Acorah's abilities. Personally I respect Acorah for all the work he's done over the years and the effort he's made but at the same time the pressure of being on TV and expected to produce something every time you know something at some point is going to be either exaggerated or completely made up. For me the dividing line between OK and really wrong is when it becomes something that happens all the time; I mean, it's TV, it's entertainment, it's a show. You would just hope that nothing like that happens in one-on-one, personal reading or investigation experiences.
But I'm getting off track. But this leads a bit into the next Acorah story of the week.
Over the weekend Acorah did a televised seance where he was contacted by Michael Jackson. According to the session, Jackson really isn't contacting as many mediums as are claiming and Jackson is only now starting to "adjust" to his life in spirit. He is apparently spending time with his grandparents in spirit and is upset that he wasn't buried next to Marilyn Monroe. Uhh...yeah...well here is a clip of this...interesting.
Sadly this is the only clip of this that I was able to find but I have to say from watching this...just wow. I have a really hard time believing any of this. But according to Acorah one of Jackson's biggest problems is this business of not being buried alongside Monroe. According to the medium, during the session Jackson told him that, with Monroe being his idol, "I wished to lie alongside her. I suppose it's of no consequence."
Acorah naturally was faced with Michael Jackson fans both before and after the live show who were upset about the whole thing. Acorah felt that since these critics of his work weren't present and only viewing through the telly they were unable to feel the energy and experience Jackson's presence through him. One fan present said "I looked into Derek's eyes, and it was him." Acorah himself said "They said to me afterwards, 'We don't understand it but my God. He was definitely there.'" One of the not so surprising things about this whole thing was that it was reported that over 600,000 people watched the live show.
Even after all the criticism from fans of Jackson's and opponents of Acorah's, Acroah says he will contact Jackson again. He feels there is more that Jackson would like to have said and that now that Jackson knows him he will possibly contact him off camera.
He might contact him but I don't know how many people are going to believe him. From watching the clip and reading some of the things that Acorah says were Jackson's words through him they don't seem to be channeled. They don't seem to carry Jackson's manner of speaking or way with words. It does however sound a lot like how most of Acorah's channeled spirits speak which is one of the reasons that many people, myself included, sometimes question the validity of Acorah's spirit channeling. If you channel five different spirits from five different periods in time, they should all have their own distinct personalities and ways of speaking, etc. Channeling and passing on clairvoyant or clairaudient messages from spirits are not the same thing.
Ah, well it will be interesting to see if Joe Jackson decides to contact Acorah about any of this, especially if there is the sound of a cash register in the background somewhere.