What's In Store For You This Scorpio Season?
Scorpio season is here and it’s time to step into the dark half of the year. This is definitely the most witchy time of year as we embrace the dying light and darkness, but it can also be a time for great personal transformation. Whether you do that with ritual magick or just making some changes to your daily routing, the period between October 23rd and November 22nd is a great time for looking into the darker corners of your life and seeking ways to make some changes.
Along with your own personal outlook for the Scorpio month ahead, keep a few of these things in mind:
There is a full moon in Taurus tomorrow, which brings a sense of grounding and structure. This can be really needed when getting into the depths of Scorpio season, so you may find that releasing things that get in the way of your sense of focus ideal for this full moon.
Venus is retrograde until Nov 16th; challenges with relationships will be starting to ease up but the darker aspects of Scorpio could bring up more issues like secrets and poor communication if you’re already dealing with that.
Uranus is retrograde until Jan 6th; feeling stuck in your ways is likely to hold you back in some parts of your life and relationships through the rest of year so keep that in mind this month.
Neptune is retrograde until Nov 24th; if you’ve been feeling like your fantasy world and dreamy visions of your life and your future have been shattered recently, you will find that as this retrograde come to an end that it all makes sense…and Scorpio can help you sort through the wreckage.
Mercury will be going retrograde Nov 16th through Dec 6th, so be prepared when it comes to possible issues with travel, communication, and technology. Plan ahead, especially if your Scorpion Sun visits you with a call to travel.

Aries - When the Scorpio Sun moves into your 8th House of Transformation and Resources, you’re ready to make some big changes and create space for rebirth. You’ve been unhappy with some things in your life and you are ready to let go of those things that aren’t helping you be your best you. You may find this season that you have a deep call to spend a lot of time on your own and spending time working magick and connecting with your Shadow. Be careful that you don’t isolate those close to you by keep yourself hidden away too much this month.

Taurus - With the Scorpio Sun in your 7th House that rules your Committed Partnerships, you are feeling a deep need to make changes to the most important relationships in your life. You see that or you to work better with people in your most intimate one-on-one relationships you have to be willing to let go of what you may see as flaws and imperfections. Through openness and compromise a path to balance will be found. You don’t need to go it alone right now in areas where you’re challenged but you also need to make sure you’re mindful of who you are giving time and energy to.

Gemini - In your 6th House, the place of health and vocation, you see the Scorpio Sun has you taking a hard look at your job and passion projects and asking yourself if you’re really doing what you want to do or what you feel you have to do. If your plate has been too full lately, this will be a good time to prioritize small, easy projects first and knock them. Make changes to your schedule and daily routine to make better use of your time so you’re fulfilling your true purpose.

Cancer - Creativity and Pleasure ruled by the 5th House finds you feeling a bit antsy with that Scorpio Sun passing through. You may have been feeling that you need to shake things up a bit when it comes to the things you do for fun. It may be time to plan a big trip that you’ve wanted to take for years or finally learn a new skill or art that you’ve dreamed of but haven’t made time for. It’s time to find what gives you joy and do it as much as possible knowing it will change you on a soul level.

Leo - As the Scorpio Sun passes through your 4th House of Family and Home, you find yourself being pulled by the power of nostalgia. You begin to either find old friends and even old flames popping up in your life, or you may even go and seek them out. This can be a time for clearing the past by tying up lose ends but it can also be a chance to revive and start over with those who you feel you need in your life. Only let into your “home” what you feel adds to it, not disrupts it.

Virgo - In the 3rd House of Communication and Networking, you are are feeling the Scorpio Sun lighting a creative flame within you where ideas seem to flow freely and a need to express yourself and share with others grows strong. You might start to get a bit overwhelmed and scattered because your mind seems to be going non-stop. Speak your truth and share with others but let go of worries that others might not “get you” right now.

Libra - Your 2nd House is the realm of Money and Possessions, which when visited by the Scorpio Sun has you battling a bit with your money and spending. You start to see where you’ve probably been over doing it and that you need to scale things back a bit, but you could find yourself feeling resistance to cut back on expenses, especially ones you don’t need because, on the larger scale of things, they are luxuries but you feel you can’t go without (do you have five different streaming services right now?). Look at each of these places you spend money right now as ask the simple question “How does this make my life better?” That will tell you all you need to know.

Scorpio - Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Your 1st House is the house of the Self, it’s where we find our self-image and personality. This month you have no qualms about putting all the focus on YOU. You want to shed who you’ve been and step more into who you want to become and that means all eyes on you. You’re feeling more independent and confident in where you’re heading and you’re ready to change your outside to match your inside. Use some of that birthday money for a good pair of shoes and a spa day…you deserve it!

Sagittarius - As the Scorpio Sun moves through your 12th House of Endings and the Subconscious you are going to naturally feel a pull to retreat, go inward, and deal with your issues of emotional and spiritual baggage all on your own. You’re ready to face your Shadow, deal with bad habits, and get rid of what know is causing you more harm than good, but you need to do it in your own time and in your own way. Your intuition will be ramped up so pay attention to what it shows you.

Capricorn - Your 11th House of Hopes and Dreams becomes fired up with the Scorpio Sun. Your eyes are on the future and you are completely ready to move on from people and situations of the past that are clearly not part of that vision. Put distance, even physical distance if needed, between you and those things and focus on reviving your social circle, meeting new people, and connecting more with people that can support your dreams, not hold you back from them.

Aquarius - Scorpio Sun shines light on your Career and Purpose in the 10th House this month and you fully embrace the idea of shifting gears in your career. But this isn’t just letting go of a job for a different one, but giving yourself permission to transform and grow into the next elevation of your work. Go for a promotion and work with bosses or managers that can help you take real action to achieve your career goals.

Pisces - You find the Scorpio Sun moving through your 9th House of Distant Travel and Learning which has you itching for some travel plans, big ones! You see the true value right now is learning by experiencing new people and different cultures and understand that books and documentaries can only take you so far. You want to see and experience the world for yourself as a way to help you refine your own beliefs and understanding of the world. Make those plans!