Where Have The Pagan Podcasters Gone?

Is it me or does it seem like the faces of Pagan Podcasting have changed quite a bit lately. Some of the best podcasts have fallen to the wayside; one of the biggest changes came early this year when Deo and Mandy from Deo's Shadow announced that they would be stopping their highly popular show Deo's Shadow because of both time constraints and because the two had decided that they were no longer going to be following a Pagan path and were turning more toward Atheism. Other popular shows have become scarce including The Crooked Path (who's website no longer seems to work and there seems to be no trace of the show since early this year) and Lance and Graal (their website now takes you to a vitamins and supplements site). So what's going on?

One place that you will find a lot of Wiccan and Pagan podcasts moving to is BlogTalkRadio (BTR). One of the reasons that BTR has become so popular is that it allows a level of interaction between the show hosts and the listeners that more traditional podcasts don't have . With BTR a show host can have a show on the air, live and then laster available as a podcast on iTunes, for no money at all or they can purchase premium services for between $40 and $100 allowing a great deal of freedom with managing a program. BTR shows provide the host with a call in number and small switchboard system where they can call in to host their show via any phone (landlines, cell, or even Skype) and then a call in number for listeners to be able to call and be on the air as part of the show. Each show also gets it's own chat room during the live show as well allowing listeners to interact with one another as well.

More and more budding Pagan Podcasters seem to be starting shows on BTR. I think that between the type of show that BTR allows someone to create and the fact that anyone can create and host a show without having the have any special equipment or any real knowledge of recording or even really any heavy computer skills, it seems that we're seeing a new way of media coming in to get our messages and ideas out there while reaching Pagans all across the globe.

So who is out there? Here is a list of Pagan Podcasting shows that are still showing active sites and shows. Feel free to add others in the comments if you have some active favorites that aren't here. And be sure to check out the Occult, Paranormal, Psychic, Wiccan and Pagan listings on the BTR site and find a show to listen to and participate in!

The Wigglian Way
Celtic Myth Podshow
The Dark Side of Fey
Edge of the Circle
Get Witchified
iPod Witch
Pagan Heart in Maine
Pagan Parents on the Edge
Secrets in Plain Sight
Spiral Dance
Geek Witch
A Darker Shade of Pagan (a music only podcast)
A Witch's Primer

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Burin' Down The House...

