5 Spirit Guide Mistakes You Have To Stop Making

I got an email from someone that I found really interesting not too long ago. It was on the topic of spirit guides, but it was a little different from the usual email I get about these things. It wasn’t the usual series of questions about how to work with them, what they are, and so on; it was a message about all the problems and challenges this person has had. [wc_box color="secondary" text_align="left" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" class=""]Hi Jess,I hope this message finds you well. I have a problem and I was hoping you would be able to shed some light and make me feel like all isn’t lost just yet. I have tried for several years to learn about and connect with my spirit guides. All I’ve had are disappointing experiences or no experience at all! I see all these witches on Instagram and TikTok sharing stories about their spirit guides, how they have helped them, and how important they are in their practices. I’m going to be honest. At this point I’m almost positive all of these people are making this shit up for views. I haven’t been able to have any experience even close to anything like what these people have talked about. I find it hard to believe that I can’t make any connection and these people have a whole bunch of spirit best friends just hanging around with them all day every day! What am I doing wrong? Or are spirit guides just made up woo-woo stuff people try to believe in to make themselves feel better? Or, and this is where I am right now, is it possible that I just don’t have any guides? And that leads me to wonder why would one person have a whole bunch of spirit guides and someone like me have literally none? Any thoughts you can share would be great because I’m about to give up on all this witch stuff. Maybe you can give me some hope to keep going. Many Thanks.[/wc_box] I can definitely relate to what this person is saying and feeling. There was a time when I was also really frustrated and felt like I wasn’t making these big, grand connections that I was reading about in books. And then I realized some stuff along the way in my practice and studies.

  1. Everyone has spirit guides. Bottom line.
  2. When you feel like you DON’T have guides, and you focus so much on this idea that you don’t have guides and you can’t connect with your guides, you’re creating even more blocks to keep them from connecting with you.
  3. Your experience can never be compared to other people’s experiences. Suppose you spend a lot of time listening to and watching people share their experiences with ANYTHING in magick and you use this as a way to either judge your experiences or create expectations around your future experiences. In that case, you’re going to be disappointed. Every time.


Here are 5 of the big mistakes that we often make when connecting with our spirit guides and developing those relationships.[wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]

  1. You don’t actually ASK for your guides to connect with you.We seem to have this weird desire to have our guides just appear out of nowhere rather than actually asking them for their help. Maybe we feel like asking for their assistance or presence would seem demanding or rude somehow. Still, if we don’t ask, we can’t open ourselves up for that connection. The simple act of asking can be seen as opening the door for them to walk through or turning on the porch light to guide them to you. If you need them, ask for them to come and help![wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]
  2. Our expectations are often based on fiction, first and foremost.Think about it like this. What was the first experience learning about spirit guides or something similar? Probably from a movie, tv show, or book. So we start with this idea of them being fictional supernatural beings. When we get older and learn about spirit guides as true spiritual beings, we try to shift our thinking, but it’s hard to fully let go of a first impression. When we create expectations, it makes it hard to accept something different.[wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]
  3. We don’t slow down and listen to them.This piggybacks off the last idea. When we see spirit guides in movies talking to people, it often happens at random in regular everyday situations. Someone will be sitting at work, standing in line at the store, or walking down the street, and all of a sudden, the guide appears and has a clear as day conversation with someone. This, unfortunately, isn’t how most people experience communications with their guides. We need to slow ourselves down to truly connect with them because our vibration is much lower than our guides. We can definitely get messages and signs from them during our regular daily life. However, the significant experiences happen during meditation, trance, and journeywork when we raise our vibration to meet theirs.[wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]
  4. We get too desperate and only reach out when we’re in crisis.Our guides want to help us in our time of need, but when we’re in constant crisis mode or only reach out in times of desperation, it makes it hard to connect. This is both because of the vibrational issues (your vibration is much lower when you’re in these states). If this is the only time we reach out, we have a huge gratitude deficit with them. When we talk to our guides in affirmations as though we have already received what we’re asking for, we come from a place of gratitude. When we do this, we show appreciation for them and our belief in them. Our connections are more frequent and stronger over time when we do that.[wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]
  5. We don’t pay attention to, consider, or follow the advice we receive.This can sometimes fall under the idea of expectations, but this is one of the biggest mistakes we make, especially early on. We resolve to ask, release expectations, slow down to connect, hold a space of gratitude, and then get our guidance. But we ignore it. Sometimes this happens because the guidance didn’t come how we expected. It can mean we get this guidance in unexpected ways. For instance, seeing a billboard that gives an answer to our questions, reading something that gives answers, or hearing a song that gives us guidance. For example, we hear what we needed to hear through another person or another source. We know it’s an answer to a question we asked our guides, we feel it’s from our guides, but we reject it because it didn’t come specifically from them. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that our guides work through whatever means necessary to get messages to us. That means using whatever tools they can that we will listen to. We need to trust our guides and our own intuition to know when something is a message and then listen to it.[wc_spacing size="40px" class=""][/wc_spacing]


When it comes to working with your guides, it comes down to a simple ABC process.

 AskBelieveCo-CreateAsk your guides for the help you need.Believe in them and believe the answers will come in divine timing.Co-Create your life with them by listening to, considering, and working with the advice they give. If you’ve been having a hard time getting started with working with your spirit guides, or creating consistent experiences that lead to solid spiritual relationships with them, check this out. My new eKit about Spirit Guides is a great tool to help you get started on finally breaking down those blocks and finding your guides.In this eKit you’ll get:

      • 40+ page ebook with lessons in working with spirit guides practices to help strengthen your connections, tools, and resources for your work, along with worksheets and templates to track your experiences and spirit guide relationships
      • an 18 minute guided meditation to help you meet one of your guides

 And here’s what you’ll learn:

        • what spirit guides really are
        • seven key types of guides you can start working with
        • know who to call on for what so you always get clear answers to your questions
        • learn how to develop important spiritual skills like non-attachment and setting expectations to make your experiences positive and productive
        • how to create a magickal trigger that will allow you to instantly make a connection to your guide
        • what kinds of questions to ask your guide when you work with them
        • how to create a spirit guide profile
        • what crystals to use for your spirit guide work
        • a tarot spread and other tools to help you understand your guides better


      Get your copy on sale for a limited time.



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