March Tarotscopes
Happy March!Have you had enough of winter yet? Well, lucky for you, it's the month when spring is finally going to arrive!Here is a little rundown of what is happening in March:
- March 2 - New Moon in Pisces
- March 18 - Full Moon in Virgo
- March 20 - Aries Season Begins
- March 20 - Ostara/Spring Equinox
- March 31/April 1 - New Moon in Aries
This month I'm using The Affirmators TarotOverall theme for March is dreaming and manifesting. Take time to examine your dreams and goals, and allow yourself to dream big. What do you really want and how committed are you to working for it? Then begin your planning. Manifest that shit this month! What you dream CAN become reality. Use your mind, use your magick, and take action in the physical world.Bonus Witchy Fun your sun sign tarotscope as well as the tarotscope for your rising sign and your moon sign. See your sun sign guidance as what you need to act on while the moon sign guidance is what you need to reflect on and work with on a spiritual level Your rising sign's message can help you find a connection between the two with what is "rising" within you this month.
All readings and 1-on-1 sessions are once again available for booking! Head over to the Work With Me section to see what's available for coaching and readings. My schedule for March is open and ready for you to book a session get clarity on whatever is happening in your life right now. Ready to take your magick to a new level? Consider a Witchy BFF Session if you're looking to get some personal advice, private magickal lessons, or help with your current practice. If you have something big that you want to do some serious magick for, consider a Spellcrafting Session![su_spoiler title="♈Aries Tarotscope♈" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] The TowerLook, change has to happen, and there are times when if you keep resisting that change, eventually, the Universe finds a way to FORCE it upon you. This month you might find that a big shakeup will shift some current circumstances. This might not be a bad thing, though! This might be exactly what you need. Remember, you are meant to rebuild from here, so don’t fight this.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♉Taurus Tarotscope♉" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Eight of SwordsYou may find yourself going into March feeling like you’re stuck in a situation that you can’t move away from, but this is all a matter of perception. If you focus on the negatives or the problems naturally, it will be harder to see a solution. Change your point of view. Look at what’s ACTUALLY happening rather than what you think is going on or what you worry could happen. Don’t let your Inner Critic or Ego get the best of you this month![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♊Gemini Tarotscope♊" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Three of WandsYou might be feeling this month like nobody really wants to support your dreams. It might feel like every time you share an idea or a plan that is big and ambitious, your usual support system decides to rain on your parade. It’s OK; not everyone can see the big vision you see. Just because people tell you they don’t think you can do something doesn’t mean they’re right. Give yourself permission to follow your rainbow this month and see what dreams you can make realities.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♋Cancer Tarotscope♋" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Five of WandsTry as you might, March could find you sucked into pointless bickering and competition with people that you might otherwise work well with. This could happen at work or with friends or family while planning some kind of gathering or event. The best thing is to not make matters worse by falling victim to gossip or rumor-mongering. Instead of talking, LISTEN to what’s happening. What can you do to make things better but without making matters worse?[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♌Leo Tarotscope♌" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Three of PentaclesThe Universe is cheering you on this month and reminding you that whatever you’ve been working toward, even if it seems like it’s not coming about like you want it to, that doesn’t mean it’s not happening! The Three of Pentacles often suggests that we find others to work with that can help us put the final touches on something or to help push us past a block. If you feel like this will help you right now, go for it! Find someone that can lift you up on your journey. But know that the Universe has your back no matter what and wants you to keep at it![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♍Virgo Tarotscope♍" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Nine of SwordsMonkey mind, dancing around late at night keeping you from sleep, just getting you more and more tangled up in your own thoughts is something that is going to be a challenge this month. The biggest problem is that you will find that one thing leads to another and then another. Eventually, you’re in a crazy, tangled web of worry. Like with any knot, the less you struggle, the easier it is to untie. So take some deep breaths, know that fear isn’t real, and you’re just a bit too in your head.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♎Libra Tarotscope♎" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Ace of SwordsThe world suddenly makes sense! Things that have been absolutely driving you crazy because they didn’t make sense now have clear answers and pathways to move forward on. This happens when we drop our fear and ego, grasp the Sword of Truth and Wisdom, and wield it well. This isn’t a sword to use for ill will but simply cut away the red tape around situations moving slow and pulling down the curtains that have been hiding things you need to see. Be ready for honest conversations, honest expression, and hearing things that you know you need to listen to no matter how difficult they may be.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♏Scorpio Tarotscope♏" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Queen of WandsIf you’ve been wondering if you actually know what you’re doing or if you’re just fumbling around without a clue, the Queen of Wands is a reminder that you are on the right path. It’s time to shine your light brightly and without fear or shame. The thing about this Queen is that she doesn’t let the opinions of others stop her from shining! Whatever she sets her creative sights on, she will find a way to accomplish. Just remember to remain humble in the process, and don’t blind yourself with your own brilliance![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♐Sagittarius Tarotscope♐" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Seven of CupsYou’ve been trying to make some decisions so you can change a path that you’ve been on, but the options just seem to keep coming but not the clear answers as to what to pick. Sometimes we do this to ourselves without realizing it. We get into this mentality of needing or wanting to “pray and wait,” asking the Universe for guidance and then sitting and waiting to see what happens. We have to eventually take action; otherwise, we just get stuck in a state of paralysis by our own doing. Look at the options you’ve already had presented to you and PICK ONE ALREADY![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♑Capricorn Tarotscope♑" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The Hierophant
Maybe you’ve been trying to do things against the grain and haven’t been able to reach the goals you’ve set. You might not like it at first, and it might seem kind of against your nature right now, but the Hierophant wants you to consider how you could benefit from some more discipline and structure. Sometimes structure, rules, and a solid workflow are all we need to get past a creative hump! This could be the best time to consider going back to the old ways of doing things, following some of the more tried and true ways of doing things rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♒Aquarius Tarotscope♒" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Page of Swords
This Page ushers in a time when we can expect challenges and changes in thoughts and how we express ourselves. This can mean changing an existing way of doing things or possibly getting started with something new. You may literally begin writing something new, or you just find that you need to start expressing yourself differently to get your ideas across to people. Either way, this Page is all about the excitement of these changes. You’re excited to do things differently and a bit nervous because that means uncharted territory. Let the enthusiasm lead you, not the fear![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♓Pisces Tarotscope♓" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] Three of CupsCheers! It’s time to celebrate with your besties. Maybe you’ve got something to celebrate, or someone close to you deserves to be honored for something they’ve recently done. The Three of Cups is all about looking at your social circle and seeing who you have around you that is genuinely there FOR YOU…but also who you’re there for. Is there anything in your personal circle of trust that you need to adjust? Make quality time this month for friends and family, especially those you know you haven’t been giving the right amount of attention to lately.[/su_spoiler]