October Tarotscopes (with an oracle deck!)
Happy October! I'm back! Well, my lovely witches, I'm back! It's been a long time since I've posted (gees, since March!) and there's a story behind why. I've not only not posted on my blog but I haven't been on social media, haven't sent out a newsletter, basically I've been off the internet. I'll talk about why and share some personal stuff in an upcoming newsletter and probably on here as well.But back to the matter at hand. We're here to look at what's going on for October. Here is a little rundown of what is happening in October:
- October 2 - Mercury goes Direct 🎉
- October 9 - Full Moon in Aries
- October 23 - Scorpio season begins
- October 25 - New Moon in Scorpio
This month I'm using an oracle deck, The Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle. One thing I will admit is that the photos of the cards are not the most clean ones I've ever done, but I was focused more on "done over perfect" this time around. 😊Overall theme for October is transformation and surrender. October brings with is a time for transition and transformation. This is the month of Samhain, the Witch's New Year, and the start a new magickal and spiritual cycle. It's a time when many of us are experiencing elements of transformation, some subtle and some loud, in your face ones. We sometimes have to remember that change is inevitable. The only things that we have control over is how we respond to and interact with these changes. Take time to reflect on how you can surrender to the changes going on around you, but also consider how you will integrate change in this new cycle.Bonus Witchy Fun Tip...read your sun sign tarotscope as well as the tarotscope for your rising sign and your moon sign. See your sun sign guidance as what you need to act on while the moon sign guidance is what you need to reflect on and work with on a spiritual level Your rising sign's message can help you find a connection between the two with what is "rising" within you this month.
Starting today and running until November 6th you can get a specially priced Samhain reading! Readings are available in either email or Zoom call formats and you get to pick from four different seasonally themed tarot or oracle decks. Book your Samhain reading here!Could you use some other kind of magickal and witchy help this Samhain season? Head over to the Work With Me section to see what's available. Consider a Witchy BFF Session if you're looking to get some personal advice, private magickal lessons, or help with your current practice. If you have something big that you want to do some serious magick for, consider a Spellcrafting Session![su_spoiler title="♈Aries Tarotscope♈" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] BatBats are known for their lack of sight using their eyes, but one thing that bats don’t lack is vision. Bats are able to “see” using their ability to navigate around places using the vibrations from sounds around them. They are intuitive creatures and so are we when we are open to the experience and are willing to listen to the vibrations around us. This month you’ll find that your psychic and intuitive abilities are more open than usual and the opportunities to develop and grow your skill are all around you. Take advantage since this time of the Thinning of the Veil is one of the best times for connecting to your inner vision.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♉Taurus Tarotscope♉" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The UndergroundThe Underground is a place in magick where transformation happens. It’s the place we go through when moving from one life, or one form, into the next. This time of year is a time for stepping through a version of the Underground. We are in a spiritual transition from one point of the Wheel of the Year, one spiritual year into the next. This card indicates that you are in a position to transform, but it’s important to understand that not all transformations are easy, nor are they meant to be. You have been working at making changes in some areas of your life and this month will present you with the perfect opportunities to let go of some things that have been harder than others to release. It’s time for a big shift if you’re willing to walk through the Underground to get to where you want to be. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♊Gemini Tarotscope♊" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
VoicesVoices that encourage and guide us are all around us. Sometimes they come in the form of loved ones and friends, sometimes in the form of spirits and guides. And sometimes they are just the voices on the winds, from the environment and nature around us. It’s not unusual for those with a magickal side to find themselves hearing the voices of ancestors, spirits, and the world beyond the Veil at this time of year. But are you listening? This month ask the questions that you really desire answers to and ask them to the spirits and to the winds. When you do, listen. Ask questions you are truly willing to hear the answers to…and follow the guidance you receive. It’s coming from a higher source that truly wishes to guide you. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♋Cancer Tarotscope♋" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Third HarvestSamhain is the third harvest of the year, following Lughnasahd and Mabon. As Samhain approaches our ancestors were acutely aware that their time for gathering food and supplies and preparing for the winter season were diminishing fast. By the time Samhain would come to pass, all that was stored for the winter season is all they would have to live off of. In modern times the way we work with the harvest seasons is a little different. We don’t have to worry about having food stored for the winter, so what should we be harvesting? Now is the time to harvest our accomplishments. It’s a time to look at everything we have worked hard to grow and create all year and to celebrate our accomplishments and honor ourselves for our hard work. While you might know this intellectually you’re being guided to really do this this year. What have you achieved and how can you honor yourself for the role you played in making these things come to pass? [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♌Leo Tarotscope♌" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
BroomBroom is a sign of a need for clearing. The witch’s broom is a tool used in magick for clearing energy, for making safe a space for magick, and to release anything that may stand in our way of achieving our deepest desires. It is also a tool used for transportation through the worlds, a way to travel psychically from one place to the next. Here the broom comes to you as a reminder that while we’re traveling from one magickal and spiritual year into the next that making sure our mind, body, and soul…and even our physical space…is cleared of anything that might get in the way. This month as you transition into the next year look for things that you need to clear out to make room for the change you wish to call in. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♍Virgo Tarotscope♍" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Dark MoonThe dark moon signifies the beginning of a new lunar cycle. During this moon phase we’re encouraged to set intentions and to look deep into the darkness and dream up a vision for the weeks ahead. During the dark moon of the month of Samahin we’re encouraged to do a bit more than that…we’re encouraged to look into that darkness and thing about how we want to dream up this new magickal year. On the dark moon this month you’re encouraged to take some time to set intentions, not for the month, but for the year ahead. Consider your magickal practice and the things you would like to see grow, change, and develop within yourself during this new year. Work divination to look into your intention and make plans for what you can do to grow your magick this year. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♎Libra Tarotscope♎" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
ProtectionWe seek protection intentionally when we have worries or fears that our physical or spiritual well-being are at risk. But the truth is that we are always protected and always being watched over by forces beyond our sight and understanding. This card comes to you this month as a reminder that you are always protected from all forms or harm and evil, especially in a spiritual and magickal sense. As you move into the new magickal year know you are doing it under a divine cloud of protection and that you are safe to explore you abilities more deeply this year than you have in the past. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♏Scorpio Tarotscope♏" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
TransformationThis is the time of transformation on many different levels. Sometimes we are transformed unwillingly, or more to the point, unknowingly. We are transformed by the things we experience around us, including things that we don’t have a hand in, like the events of the world and what happens in our environment. This transformation though, the kind that is coming to you during this Samhain, is quite different. This is a transformation where you are being guided to take an active role. This is a time for spiritual alchemy for yourself, a change to go from being one version of yourself to another, one that you have consciously created with intention. Don’t let this energy pass you by. Decide who you want to be and use this Samhain as a time to make that manifest into reality. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♐Sagittarius Tarotscope♐" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
FrogFrogs are another big symbol in nature of transformation, even though we don’t think of them quite the same as we do a butterfly. But the frog goes from being a tadpole living in the water to a fully formed being that can live both on the land and water and who can breathe the air. Like many others this Samhain, you’re going to find yourself drawn into a time of transformation. But your transformation, unlike that of many around you, is going to be very subtle and even a slow process. This isn’t a transformation where you will find yourself struggling or always feel like you’re “going through it” as the process takes form. It will just happen. Frogs don’t have a hand in this process, it just happens. In the same way, your transformation, from one form into the next, is going to just happen. It’s who you are meant to be, and now is the time for that to happen. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♑Capricorn Tarotscope♑" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The Witch card comes with some important messages about wisdom. You have more of it within you and around you than you realize. With the Witch comes a call for you to open up and engage with your inner witch and the power you hold deep within. It’s time to tap into the wisdom that you hold and the wisdom you have access through with your bloodline as well as your witchline. True witches have the ability to shift any energy so that they can manifest the changes they desire in the world within and without. This is a call for you to be truly willing to not only accept that you are capable of this but that you need to do this if you wish to see true change in the year ahead. Embrace your magickal path and your witchcraft practice this year and become the true witch you are meant to be![/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♒Aquarius Tarotscope♒" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The graveyard is a place that many of the living dread having to go to. Some go out of obligation, others out of feelings of fear or guilt. But few see it as what it truly is; it is a place of peace, serenity, and release. Once laid to rest the souls of those who reside here are able to surrender, to no longer have to deal with the struggles and pains of physical life. We forget that as the ones left behind to live in mourning. This leaves us to dislike and even fear an otherwise peaceful place. This card is a reminder that there are things that we will endure that are simply out of our control, and you may be facing some of those this month and into the new spiritual and magickal year. The important lesson is that sometimes you have to accept things simply are as they are and the only true path to peace is surrender. [/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♓Pisces Tarotscope♓" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] OwlOwls are known in the magickal realm as a powerful totem for vision, wisdom, and the power of foresight. Their big eyes and the ability to turn their heads 270 degrees, not to mention their ability to see as well in the dark as we typically can in daylight, makes them a powerful ally for psychic work and clairvoyance. With Owl showing up here you are being asked to expand your vision, to broaden your horizons to what you are willing to see and how you see it. During this new magickal year you are being guided to explore the realms of darkness and look for new ways to see into the and beyond the worlds to find the wisdom you seek. One of the other elements that this message brings is the call for you to share that wisdom you have and that you gather with others. Not everyone can “see” the way you can, so share your wisdom with those that are deserving of it. [/su_spoiler]
Check Out These Special Samhain Offerings!
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