Lughnasadh Supermoon Vibes: Witching with the Cosmic Currents
Hey there, witchy ones! It’s been SO LONG, but guess what? Grab your brooms, cauldrons, and moonstones - it's time for a supercharged witchy ride! Today, we have two magnificent celestial events aligning perfectly - the sabbat of Lughnasadh and a Super Full Moon in Aquarius. Let's delve into these two cosmic wonders and their significance, and I'll also share two fun and power-packed rituals to connect with and harness these energies.
Lughnasadh Lowdown
Lughnasadh (pronounced "LOO-nas-ah"), also known as Lammas, is the first of three harvest festivals, followed by Mabon and Samhain. It is a Gaelic holiday marking the beginning of the harvest season. Celebrated on August 1st, it's all about acknowledging the literal and figurative fruits of our labors. This auspicious day is deeply woven into the Wheel of the Year, marking a pivotal transition as the warm, vivacious energy of summer begins to wane, and we prepare for the approaching autumn. Historically, Lughnasadh was a time of community gatherings, festivals, and games, a moment to come together before the hard work of the harvest truly began. It was also a moment of liminality, a threshold time when the veil between worlds was a little thinner, just like its counterpart, Imbolc, in the earlier half of the Wheel. Named after the Irish god Lugh, a master of many arts and crafts, Lughnasadh has a special connection with the power of creation. Despite the lore of Lugh's skills, the holiday is, in fact, a tribute to his mother, Tailtiu, who died from exhaustion after clearing the lands of Ireland for agriculture. This is why Lughnasadh also honors the sacrifices made (both literally and metaphorically) to provide sustenance and survival.
Aquarius Super Full Moon Magic
Now, onto our Super Full Moon in Aquarius, also known as the Sturgeon Moon, one of the names for the September full moon. The Native American tribes of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain named it so because the sturgeon fish were abundant during this time. The sturgeon is an ancient creature, often called a "living fossil" because it's remained largely unchanged for millions of years. This can remind us of the wisdom in staying true to our essence and the power in authenticity, both major Aquarian themes. This full moon's name, and its connection to the sturgeon, highlights survival, strength, longevity, and adaptation - pretty powerful energies to work with, don't you think? When we add the fact that it's a Super Full Moon, with Luna closer and brighter than ever, we know we're in for a potent ride!
Here are a few simple ways to work with the energy of both Lughnasadh and the Super Full Moon in Aquarius!
Lughnasadh Gratitude Spell
- Gather some fresh produce, preferably from your local farmer's market or your own garden. It's all about the fruits of the Earth today!
- Create a simple altar, placing the produce, a gold or orange candle (Lugh’s colors), and symbols of your personal accomplishments.
- Light the candle and say, "I honor Lugh, the master craftsman, and thank the Earth for her bounty. As I reap the rewards of my labor, I express deep gratitude."
- Meditate on your achievements, feeling gratitude for the abundance in your life.
- Share the fruits of your labor (quite literally!) by donating some produce to a local food bank. It’s the Aquarian way!
Aquarian Super Full Moon Manifestation Spell
- Gather a clear quartz crystal (for amplification), an Aquarius zodiac symbol, and a silver candle (for that moony vibe).
- Set up your altar outdoors under the full moon if possible, place your items, and light the candle.
- Write down your most radical, individual, and humanitarian goals.
- Hold the quartz in your hand, envision these goals being reached, and say, "Under this Super Full Moon, I manifest my dreams for the highest good of all."
- Leave the crystal out overnight to charge under the full moon.
And voila, my witchy friends! You’ve worked with the energies of Lughnasadh and the Aquarian Super Full Moon. Remember, the Universe loves specificity and a dash of creativity, so feel free to tweak these rituals to your liking. So, go ahead, cast your spells, manifest your dreams, and let's make this cosmic day a powerful one. As always, remember to ground, center, and clear your space before and after your magickal workings.