A Tarot Spread for the New Year

When the new year approaches everyone is looking for a little insight into what the next twelve months are going to bring. Everyone gets a little curious to know if things are going to get better in their relationships, is money going to flow, will their health prosper.  New Year's Eve is a great time to do a reading for yourself to see what's to come; it's also a great time to do a reading for a friend while you're all getting together for New Year's Eve parties.  There are a few different spreads that are popular and I have one of my own that I created a few years ago for a client and have used ever since.  Hopefully these will give you some ideas for a reading for yourself or a friend tonight! The Twelve House SpreadThis spread is a pretty common and popular new year spread.  You draw one card for each of the twelve astrological houses to gain insight for those areas of your life for the next year.1st House – SELF - Represents you, your personality, character, and physical body.  Gives an idea of the person's outlook on life for the next year.2nd House – MONEY - Represents your values, priorities, how you handle and approach money, and how you approach the idea of materialism.3rd House – MIND - Represents intellectual interests, communication, self-expression, and education.4th House – HOME - Represents relationships with family of origin, and matters at home.5th House – CHILDREN - Represents children but also our “brain children” such as artistic or creative projects, our talents, signs of hobbies and deep interests.6th House – DUTY - Represents day to day areas of life including mundane responsibilities and our health.7th House – RELATIONSHIPS - Represents partnerships and relationships of all kinds including work and business partners, romantic partners, even our enemies; conflicts including legal issues here.8the House – INVESTMENT - Represents death and renewal, healing and sexuality, investments, inheritances, legacies and shared resources.9th House – HIGHER SELF - Represents a person’s purpose and direction and their attitudes of philosophy, higher beliefs, and religion; also long distance travel.10th House – CAREER - Represents our career and how we're viewed publicly including issues of fame, honor, and authority.11th House –FRIENDS - Represents non-family relationships, involvement with community, society, and acquaintances.12th House – SECRET DESIRES - Represents person’s secrets, subconscious, dreams, and secret motives. The Wheel of the YearThis spread is particularly popular with Pagans and is often used by a lot of people at Samhain to look into the start of the Witch's New Year.  This is a simple spread where one card is pulled for each month and results in twelve cards being laid out.  Simply start with January and pull cards through to December.  Each card will represent the overall energy and patterns for that month.  I like to then add up the numbers for all the cards for the year and break them down into a single number which I then use numerology to get a read on the year as a whole.Jess's New Year Tarot SpreadThis spread was originally created for a client several years ago when they were looking for insight on five different things for the coming year.  This client wanted specifics but didn't want five separate readings; she was looking to know the basics.  So I created this spread for her and have found that others have really enjoyed.  Hopefully it will give you some insight for your year as well!For this reading you'll be laying out five rows of four cards each. The five areas looked at are:

  1. Health
  2. Love
  3. Work
  4. Money
  5. Dreams

The four cards each represent the same things for each area.  They are:

  1. (Card 1)  What I can accomplish this year?
  2. (Card 2)  What could hold me back?
  3. (Card 3)  How I can reach my goals and work around obstacles?
  4. (Card 4)  Advice for the year.

Each row is dedicated to a specific area of life and each of the four cards gives insight into that area for the year.  The layout looks like this:(Health)     --1--2--3--4--(Love)        --1--2--3--4--(Work)       --1--2--3--4--(Money)    --1--2--3--4--(Dreams)   --1--2--3--4--I then use numerology here as well but here I use it in two different ways.  I add the number for each row individually to come up with a number for each specific area and then give a numerology read for each row and then I add all the cards in the reading for a number for the year.Hopefully this will give you something new to work with for the year.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!  


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