Ask A Witch - Air in the North?

Today we have a really great Ask A Witch question from Rebecca.  She asks a question about directional correspondences that isn't a terribly uncommon one for those who start doing a lot of different research, especially into different traditions.

Early on I learned, and since believed, that the Element of Earth is associated with North. But this link,gives solid reasons why North is actually associated with the element Air. After reading it, I'm not quite sure what to believe. What do you think? Thank you!Many Blessings,Rebecca

Thanks for your question, Rebecca.First, I have to say, I really enjoy the work that Mike Nichols does.  This article in particular is one that I have always found really interesting and thought provoking.  And you're right, he gives some very solid arguments for putting Air in the North.  And a lot of them make a great deal of sense when put into context.  But, working with the directions in the modern way, placing Air in the East, is also valid.One of the arguments Nichols makes for placing Air in the North is based on the Airts system of the Celtic tradition, airt being an Irish and Scots Gaelic word for "direction" as well as "wind".  This is a set of correspondences that is largely based on the location of the practitioner.  For example it is suggested that Air is placed in the North because of the cold, seasonal winds which blow in from the northern direction in the Celtic countries while Earth would be placed in the South since it is the lowest place on the compass, the densest energy, and the place where things land due to gravity.  Water remains in the West but Fire is placed in the East as this is the direction of the rising sun and the earth's greatest source of heat.  There some people that aren't so sure that this is really something that has any historical basis and may be more of a re-visioning of what might have been, but this is the system that some people use.The way that this system seems to be constructed is actually the basis for how some traditions work with the elements.  Rather than using the static, traditional ways they look at where they are geographically and place the elements in the directions where they seem to make the most logical sense to them.  So similar to the Airts someone may put the Water in the East because the ocean is in that direction, they may put Earth in the West because that is where the largest amount of land is relative to where they are, they may put Air in the North for the same reason as the Airts system and Fire in the South because it's much warmer there.  This is a completely movable system that is individual to the practitioner and quite personal.The system that is most commonly known and used in modern Wicca and many other modern Pagan traditions is thought to go back to certain ceremonial practices, but much like Nichols points out this could have been false info intentionally misrepresented to the uninitiated.  Regardless of where it came from it has generated its own power and energy through its use over the preceding decades becomes part of our collective unconscious and part of the cultural spirit of the modern day Witch; this creates power and those connections that we commonly think of, like Earth in the North, becomes completely valid.When it comes to which element is connected to which direction there is no one way that it's done.  Different traditions and different methods of practice will denote how they are worked with in that setting.  If you're working on your own there are a few things I'd suggest.  First, experiment with different directional correspondences.   Cast a circle with Earth in the North.  How does that feel to you?  Next time cast your circle with Air in the North.  How does it feel different?  Do you notice any change in the flow of the energy in your circle?  Another suggestion is to do a meditation with each of the individual elements, one at a time, and upon connecting to the element communicate with it and ask it to let you know which direction is wants to be in when you work with it.  I'd recommend doing these meditations in nature, physically connected to the element as much as possible and connecting to the elemental being for the element and then asking for some guidance.The best thing to do, especially if you're working alone and still getting yourself settled into your path, is to experience and then work with what feels right and makes sense to you.  There's nothing to say that in years to come that you wont change your mind or experience something that will alter your practice.  In fact, that's how it should be.  But for one, don't stress or over thing it, just try out different things and go with what seems to work for you.


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