New Moon in Capricorn is Here!
One of the requests that I received through the Suggestion Box was to have more posts that give details about the moons each month. So what I thought I'd start with is sharing some thoughts and insights on the moon phases and and the sign that they are in how we can work with them. I'm going to supplement these new posts with some more posts on magickal timing in the coming weeks. But for now let's focus on what is happening today, January 4, 2011. Today we have a new moon in Capricorn which also comes along with the first solar eclipse of the year.First let's talk real briefly about the solar eclipse. A solar eclipse can only happen when there is a new moon and it occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun causing the sun to be either full covered, creating a full solar eclipse, or partially covered creating a partial eclipse or what is also called an annular solar eclipse. The energy with the solar eclipse connects us to the Dark God aspect in a similar way that the lunar eclipse connects us to the Dark Goddess; with the sun being the realm of the God we see him go through all of his phases in the span of a few hours in similar to what we see the Goddess symbol of the moon experience during the lunar eclipse. This makes the magickal energy connected to the solar eclipse one that is more connected to the God. It is also a time when aspects of death and rebirth can be particularly drawn from. We see the sun as a symbol of life, and having just seen this symbol reborn at the winter solstice, it's quite interesting to see it go through another powerful rebirth experience again so soon. This is the perfect time for working on something that really needs to come out of the dark and the shadows into a really powerful rebirth with the light.It's important to note that this year we will have four solar eclipses (all annular), however, like any astronomical event, they aren't visible. In fact it the United States wont have a visible solar eclipse until May of 2012. Today's eclipse will be visible to those in parts of Western Europe and northwest Africa but don't let the fact that you can't see it make you think you can't use it! The energy is what we are drawing on, not the physical, visible act of the moon passing through the path of the earth and sun. We still hold an esbat ritual on the night of a full moon when the sky is fulled with clouds because we can still feel the presence of the full moon energy. The energy of the solar eclipse is still there even though you can't see it occur.This solar eclipse will take place while the new moon is in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is an earth sign and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorn can be a time where we can take the seeds planted in the months prior and bring everything to fruition or at least into their final stages of development. It's a time when things that we want to have long term, long lasting results can be set into place; if there is something we want that needs endurance we can work on that now for an added boost.Here are some keywords for both Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn which can help you to get a feel for the energy and types of things connected to this astrological time.SaturnOrder, Binding, Discipline, ManifestationCapricornDiscipline, Truth, Honor, Confidence, Responsibility, Patience, DignityThings that have been in a state of transition or flux, especially anything that has been trying to force a change of reality for you in the last few months may be hard to ignore with today's new moon. The solar eclipse adds more of a push to that as well. If you're dealing with issues that my be complicated by secrets or lies, things could get real interesting today. But for those of you who don't have anything nagging at you for attention you will find that this is going to be a really great time to plan for the year, but it may not be the best time for actual magick.During the new moon some people prefer not to work magick just yet. Some prefer to wait for the moon to move into the First Quarter (roughly a week after the new moon phase when a crescent is visible in the sky) or for the Second Quarter, when the moon is fully waxing. The new moon itself is a great time for reflection and planning and then the actual magick is saved for later.The way that I like to work with the new moon is to use the actual new moon as a time for planning, reflection, meditation, and journaling about a need or desire. Then I decide if any magick that I need to do will require long term work or is it something that is needed more immediately. For something that needs longer to come together I'll cast at the First Quarter but for things that need a quicker result I'll cast at the Second Quarter. Naturally you should follow your guidance as to when you need to work spells but it's always interesting to try some different timings to see how they impact you.For today's Capricorn New Moon with a solar eclipse I would recommend sitting in meditation and giving some serious contemplation to things that need organization in your life. What needs to be developed in your mundane life? What responsibilities need attention? What needs order? Where do you need to bring discipline into your life?It all boils down to this...This is going to be a powerful day for reflection. 2011 is a number 4 year, it's a year for getting things in order, being honest with ourselves, and building for the future. It's a time to look back on the past and evaluate the present and being to make changes for the future. Notice that both Saturn and Capricorn share something very important with the number 4 year; order. The word "order" is key in all of these so make getting things together and ordered in your life part of your Capricorn New Moon today and let the power of rebirth and coming out from the shadows with the solar eclipse propel you into a powerful year of change!