Full Moon in Aries...Let's Open some Roads!

Tonight's full moon is in the sign of Aries. It comes a little earlier than usual this year.  Often we find an Aries full moon in October but with the two full moons in August things are a little out of order this year and we'll see a Taurus full moon in October.  The Aries full moon is a great time for spells involving power, rebirth, authority, and increasing our will power.  One thing I love doing during an Aries full moon is Road Opener work.  So let's look at a few general Aries full moon details and then I'll share one of my Road Opener candle spells and Road Opener recipes.[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]General Themes for the Aries Full Moon:[/fontpress]warrior energycoming alivepursuing your passionstrusting your instinctsnew starts and rebirthcourage and taking courageous actionstaking a standfacing challenges head onhonoring and reviving your authentic self [fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]Aries Full Moon Encourages:[/fontpress]courageinspirationstrengthembracing your true selfgoing beyond your comfort zonetaking a stand [fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]Aries Full Moon Magick:[/fontpress]hope for a new beginninggetting quick inspirationtaking action even in fearface a threat head ondrawing out buried passionsigniting passions in a relationshiptaking a big, bold step toward living your life's dream[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]Aries Full Moon Oil:[/fontpress]Use this to anoint yourself, tools, and candles for Aries Full Moon magick.Aries Full Moon Oil3 drops Gardenia3 drops Frankincense2 drops Bergamot2 drops Jasmine1 drop Black Pepper1 drop PetitgrainBlend in 2 tablespoons carrier oil such as sweet almond or jojoba.[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]Road Opener Candle Spell:[/fontpress]Here's a spell and some Road Opener recipes that are perfect for working to get over blockages and things that are currently standing in your way as you work toward a specific goal.There's a quick note that I wanted to share about the recipes.  Traditionally the herb Abre Camino (Eupatorium villosum) is used in Road Opener recipes, but it can be a bit hard to find.  It's native to the Caribbean and places with a tropical climate like in the southern parts of the US.  It's an endangered plant so many people will substitute it with Quassia Bark, but this isn't the same herb despite some people's insistence that it is.  I've used both and found that Quassia Bark works fine if you can't get Abre Camino.  In these recipes below I've included Quassia Bark but if you can find Abre Camino you can make a substitution with it.Road Opener Oil4 drops Lemongrass4 drops Citronella2 drops Camphora pinch each of Five Finger Grass, Sea Salt, Lemon Peel, Quassia BarkBlend in 2 tablespoons olive oilRoad Opener Powder1 teaspoon Lemongrass1 teaspoon Sea Salt1 teaspoon Quassia Bark7 drops Road Opener Oil3 tablespoons cornstarchGrind the herbs in a grinder to a powder.  Mix in the cornstarch a tablesooon at a time.  Add a few drops of oil to the powder with each tablespoon of cornstarch and blend well until all ingredients are well combined.Road Opener IncenseEqual Parts:LemongrassPine needlesFive Finger GrassA few Cinnamon Chips3-9 drops of Sage Oil (depending on how much herb you've used)Road Opener SpellYou'll Need:Orange taper candleParchment Square and PenCitrine stoneKnifeCauldronOrange spell bag or fabricRoad Opener OilRoad Opener PowderRoad Opener IncenseUse the knife to section the candle into seven equal parts.Anoint the candle with Road Opener Oil, praying that all blocks and negative energy that are holding you back be released.On your parchment square write down the specific blocks that are holding you back from reaching your goal.  If you don't know what specifically is holding you back you can just say "All blocks and obstacles".  Fold the paper in half away from you.Light your incense on your altar or work space.  Place the candle in the center of the your space.  Place the cauldron behind the candle.  Use the Road Opener Powder to draw two lines from you to the candle on the altar, creating a mini road {ideally this should be wide enough to hold your paper and your Citrine stone}.In the center of the road, halfway between the start of the road and the candle, place your parchment.  At the beginning of the road place your stone.Light your candle and say:As this candle lights my path I prayThat obstacles and blocks shall fall away.Opportunities and luck shall being to flowAs I walk down this open road.Move our stone one "step" forward on your road and visualize yourself getting closer to your goal without difficulty.Let the candle burn down one section.Each day for the next six days burn down one section of the candle, reciting the incantation as you light the candle, and moving your candle one step forward.  Around the middle of the spell you'll reach your parchment; place the Citrine on top of the paper on that day and then on the next day you'll move it past the parchment, signifying being past all your blocks and obstacles.On the last day of your spell light the candle, say the incantation, and move the Citrine to be right in front of the candle.  Pick up your parchment square and light in the flame of the candle and as it burns toss it in the cauldron to burn up.  Take the ashes outside and toss to the winds.When the candle burns out take any left over wax, the stone, some of the powder and a bit of the incense and place in an orange spell bag or square of fabric.  Tie up and carry to help you keep the road opening energy going.


Next ebook...Samhain: The Celtic Festival of the Dead


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