Next ebook...Samhain: The Celtic Festival of the Dead
I'm so excited because I'm diving into the next big Sabbat ebook and I've got plans to make it even bigger and better than the last one, "Mabon: Celebrating the Autumn Season". The big reason why is because this is one of my favorite Sabbats. Truly all the autumn Sabbats are my favs, along with Winter Solstice. I consider the "holiday season" to start at Mabon so this is really my favorite time of year. That means that writing about Samhain and sharing some of my favorite holiday is one thing that I'm all about doing!I've been decorating my online home's for Samhain {my personal Facebook page now has one of my favorite "gothy" pictures of me from a few years ago and a cute "Happy Halloween" timeline cover}. I've also added a little witch background to the top border of the site here but I think I'm going to take this opportunity in a few weeks to do {another} revamp of the site. But I'm going to wait until I can have very late night to work on that, which will be after the new ebook is released.So speaking of the new ebook...I did the cover today during a writing break. Here it is!!
WEEEEEEE!!!! Exciting! :D
You should see it up and ready for sale on October 19th!!
And then after I did that I went and dug out my Halloween decorations {of which there are only a few that ever get put away} and put them out and now I'm back getting ready to do some more work on the book.
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]What would you like to see in the Samhain book?[/fontpress]
I posted out on Facebook and Twitter asking everyone if there were any specific things they would like to see in the book? Is there a question you have about Samhain you'd like answered or a certain type of magick or ritual for Samhain that you'd like to see in there? Down in the comments below let me know what you'd like to see! I've had a lot of requests for ideas for Ancestor honoring, so that will find a place in there. But what would you like to see? Let me know!
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Happy Monkey" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#EB7300"]Oh, hey! Did you hear about this?[/fontpress]
I'm doing some special Halloween themed readings this month which I'm offering at reduced prices. There are three Halloween themed {but totally practical and useful} types of readings to pick from and eight different dark and Halloweeny decks that you can choose to have used to do your reading. You pick the spread and the deck! Want to find out more? Click the spooky banner!!
And this month I am spending some time working with one of my favorite parts of the blog that has been very sadly neglected, Ask A Witch. If you have an Ask A Witch question, be sure to hop on over and fill out the form and send it in!