Ask A Witch: Buying Tarot Cards

Here's an Ask A Witch question about the idea of buying tarot cards versus receiving them as a gift.

Hi Rowan,

I read your post you made about the All Hallows Tarot and I spent some time checking it out and really liked it. I'm new to tarot but the cards seemed my style so I was thinking about buying them. I have heard that you're not supposed to buy your own decks and that people are suppose to give them to you as a gift. I thought about asking for them for Christmas but my family doesn't really know about my interest in these things and I don't know how they would react to seeing "tarot cards" on a Christmas list. Is it ok for me to buy my own cards or is it really bad luck?


That's an interesting question Ali, and one that's not all that uncommon! This is one of those traditions that some keep and some don't and not many people know where it came from. It is believed that in the mid-1400's that tarocchi cards (what eventually evolved to our tarot cards today) was given as a wedding give to a newly wed couple (mostly those in higher classes) as a way to help see what the future of their marriage may hold. This may be one of the possibly origins of the idea of receiving the cards as a gift rather than buying them yourself.

When it comes to the "buy vs. receive" I firmly believe it all depends on personal belief. Many people who believe that the cards should be gifted are told that when the cards are acquired by the individual on their own that the readings will not be clear or will be outright inaccurate. Frankly I think that if you believe that your readings are going to be wrong regardless of the reason, then you're going to draw that sort of energy to your readings and you'll be second guessing yourself. I don't believe that how you get your cards really has anything to do with how your readings turn out and I feel it's nothing more than superstition. I have purchased just about all of my decks myself and other than just not connecting with a deck, I haven't had a deck "not want to read for me" or bring me bad luck or anything like that.

Personally I think that you should buy your cards if you feel drawn to doing so. Find a deck that you feel has images that you are drawn to and that you connect with and work with them. Take the time to get to know your cards, become comfortable with them in your hands and listening to what they have to say. Know that they will answer you with truth and honesty as long as you're open to the message they have for you.

Like anything else the cards themselves do not hold magick, it's the energy we give them that draws either positive or negative energy and experiences. Go into your experience with your cards in a positive light and you'll have nothing but years of positive experiences with your cards.


Yule is on its way!


Tarot Review: All Hallows Tarot