Tarot Review: All Hallows Tarot
I've been saying for the last week that I was going to get to a tarot review and FINALLY here it is! The All Hallows Tarot is a wonder, small and compact deck with beautiful hand drawn artwork with a Halloween flair that is perfect for anyone at any level of experience with the tarot.

The deck is done by Robin Tisch-Hollister and was previously available independently but is now being manufactured by Leisa ReFalo from The Tarot Connection and is available for sale at The Tarot Connection Shop. The deck consists of 79 cards (there is a special card called The Happy Squirrel) and one marker card, and at 3.65" x 2.65" it makes for a great deck to stash away and carry with you in a your purse or backpack. While the art is very festival for the Halloween holiday it isn't exclusively aimed at Halloween and can easily be used any time of the year, especially if you are inclined to working with Gothic themed images. However, unlike many of the other Gothic decks, this one is very light hearted and blends the light and dark aspects of these images wonderfully.
The deck is based on the RWS deck and has the same suits; Cups, Disc's, Wands and Swords. The fun thing is that the item representing each suit can change from card to card. For example in the suit of swords the 10 of Swords is represented by a voodoo doll with 10 pins while in the other cards there are actual swords. In the suit of cups you see chalices, cauldrons and pumpkins. The deck is very whimsical and has a mind of it's own in that way.
The deck doesn't come with a LWB (little white book) but one can be downloaded from The Tarot Connection website. Honestly, with this deck, I found that connecting more on a personal level with it and getting to know the cards and let them speak for themselves gave more depth than just going by the book. These cards have a very unique way of working with each other and the way they speak in a spread. I think anyone working with this deck needs to be aware that this this deck does walk a fine line between playful and serious. Reading with this deck it's important, in my mind, to not take it too literally and to take the time to look at the symbols and messages in the cards from a few different perspectives for the best message.
I would recommend your first reading with this deck being a reading to get to know the deck a bit better. Ask the deck how it wants to work with you, what kinds of messages will it give and how will it address them; will it be direct or will it be more open to interpretation. I did a 5 element spread with the cards and for me, this is going to be a very direct deck that seemed strongest in the earth and fire elements. It definitely gave the impression of being a strong deck but one that will definitely have it's own way of speaking.
The All Hallows Tarot can be purchased for $40 at The Tarot Connection online store.
Mood: tired