Capricorn Full Moon Time!

On July 12th we have a big supermoon on the way!  The moon will be in Capricorn, which is a great time for getting an energy boost to most anything, but it's an especially good time for tying up loose ends and getting started toward new goals.Be beware, my moon magic mavens! This full moon is happening at a funky time and there is a Moon Void Of Course happening as well, so you need to be cautious of the timing of any moon aligned magic that you might be planning. 

July 12th Full Moon Timing

Moon Goes Full - 7:25 AM EDTMoon Goes Void - 9:56 PM EDTMoon Enters Aquarius - 11:07 PM EDT So if you're planning to do some specific Capricorn full moon magic I would HIGHLY suggest doing it the night before. "The night before?  But that isn't the full moon, ya hack!"You're right, it's not technically a full moon on the evening of the 11th, but you get a pretty awesome swift boost to full moon work done just before the moon actually turns full.  And the moon will be in Capricorn the night before too!Before the moon turns full it's coming to the end of it's Second Quarter phase.  It's been growing and building energy and now it's just about to hit it's full light reflection and it moves fast to get there.  This helps give you a speed boost to your magic done now.Spells, rituals, manifestations and ceremonies worked at the tail end of the Second Quarter right before the Full Moon tend to move swift and bring strong, quick results. Once the moon goes full it starts to wane and go into the Third Quarter.  The closer you can get to the Full Moon before getting to the Third Quarter phase the more powerful your magic will be. "OK, so I'll work the night before.  Now what's the deal with the supermoon?"The Supermoon is a cute name we have come to give the moon when it makes a very close approach to earth {called a perigee}.  The moon looks bigger and brighter because of the way it rests in the sky and the distance we are seeing it at.  Some people feel that this makes the full moon more powerful, but frankly I find all full moons to be powerful times and haven't ever noticed any big differences with the supermoon.  But you decide what works for you!We have three supermoons this year.  The July supermoon is the first - the other two will happen on August 10th and September 9th. "Great!  I like big shiny moons!  So what can I do with this Capricorn stuff?"When the moon is in the sign of Capricorn we might find ourselves feeling more ambitious than usual.  We want to do big things and take on stuff that's been in our way or causing us to feel stuck.  It's a time for doing work that will help you to clarify your dreams and goals {so things like planning and mastermind work} but then you need to solidify that with action, which isn't hard during the Capricorn moon!I like Capricorn for sitting down with a journal, a calendar, and some candles and crystals aligned with dreams and success to do some spiritual and magical planning. I tend to spend time getting the big goals and ideals down on paper and then working on the small steps I can take right away to move forward.When you're working with the Capricorn full moon every little step you take toward a goal gets a boost! "What specifically can I do to take advantage of this energy?  I have big dreams too!"Awesome!  Well let's start with my favorite, a little candle magic.We'll keep this SO simple it's silly.You'll Need:[su_list icon="icon: check"]

  • An orange taper candle {you can use a votive if that's all you have}
  • Olive Oil
  • Dried Basil
  • A pencil
  • Candle holder, Small Plate + Lighter

[/su_list]Hold your candle for a minute and visualize the things you want to accomplish over the next month.  You might have BIG MASSIVE dreams that are going to take 6 years to achieve but what can you do over the next 28 days {a full moon cycle} to get closer?  Fill your candle with that energy!Use you pencil and on one side of the candle carve in your name.  On the other side crave in the word SUCCESS.Sprinkle your basil on the small plate.Rub oil into the candle in long downward strokes from wick to back.  This motion encourages attracting things to you and we want to attract all kinds of success!Now roll the candle in the basil.  Get as much to stick as you can {you can also try to rub it in too...this is tricky so be patient and'll get it}.

Put the candle in the holder and light it.  Take a minute to gaze at the candle flame and visualize all your amazing success over the next month!  What does it feel like to get closer to your big dream? Grab that feeling and hold on to it!  You can say a prayer, speak some words from the heart, or simply chant the word SUCCESS to yourself until you can't do it anymore because you might explode with energy!

Let all that energy go when you're done and let your candle burn down.

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Now here are a few crystals you can use for working Capricorn full moon magic!

capricornstonesHematite - This stone helps to ground us while also deflecting and reflecting back negative energy sent our way thanks to it's silvery, reflective surface {which also makes it a great moon magic stone!}.  If you know that someone or something is getting in the way of your big dreams, hematite cleansed, blessed, and charged at the Capricorn full moon and become a big helper as you move forward toward you goals.

Black Onyx - Black colored onyx works great for grounding.  It also can help to balance and center our energy and chakras.  Onyx helps with making smart choices, especially when faced with a lot of adversity and options.  There is one thing though with onyx - it can be overpowering and it also needs to be cleansed regularly.  If you choose to work with onyx it's best to not carry it on you at all times and it's a good idea to cleanse it each time before you use it.

Turquoise - This is one of the Capricorn birthstones so it's perfect to use during a Capricorn full moon!  Turquoise is helpful in physical and mental/emotional healing.  It can be especially useful when you need help energizing or unblocking your throat and ear chakras so that you can say what you need to say and hear what you need to hear.  This is sometimes called a "Shaman's Stone" and is connected to deep spiritual wisdom and guidance.

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And lastly, I have a new meditation ekit out that's PERFECT for this Capricorn Full Moon! 

My new Road Opener Mediation Ekit comes with a 17 minute guided meditation to help you find your and identify what is standing in the way and blocking your road to success.  The 42 page ebook that comes with it provides spiritual and magical techniques to move past your blocks along with some journaling and self-coaching to help you really dig into what's blocking you and make solid plans to move past it.



And there you have it!  Capricorn Full Moon magic and energy boosters for your July 12th Supermoon!


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