Stop Waiting For Your Big Life Breakthrough!
When I was in my very early 20's, fresh out of college and ready to start what was supposed to be my "adult life" I often wondered when my big life breakthrough was going to happen. I had it in my head that something had to happen to me, or for me, often at the hand of someone else, in order for me to have that dream life I thought everyone was out there having.
At the time I was living back at home in the basement of my parent's house looking for a job. That was become the dream I had been lead to believe was just how things would turn out didn't happen. I had gone to school to get a communications degree and planned to work in radio in Boston around where I'd gone to school. As the months were closing in on graduation I had figured it would be no problem to get an entry level radio station job and an apartment in the city.Every job I applied for turned me down {too young, too inexperienced, and "too young sounding" for on air jobs} and nobody would rent to me because I didn't have a job. So I was back in Connecticut living in the basement and working temp customer service jobs because I couldn't live at home without a job - and the only radio station taking applications also turned me down for all the same reasons as every station in Boston.Where was my big breakthrough!?! Who was going to save me? Clearly I needed someone to come and rescue me, maybe discover me or something, because I wasn't able to make it happen. At least that's what I thought.
I can't tell you how happy I am that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram weren't a thing back then because the utter depression of seeing everyone else's fabulous lives would have killed me back then. Even without the hammering of social media I gave up on my dreams of working in the music industry and instead just resolved myself to a "working for the weekend" lifestyle. I worked mediocre customer service jobs and set aside any money I could to spend my weekends going up to Boston to go to raves and after hours clubs with friends.After a handful of years past and I hit a wall in my lame customer service career - you know that "you've gone as far as you can and unless someone dies there's nowhere to advance to" kind of wall - I decided I'd had enough. I made the albeit scary but very necessary decision to quite my job and start working on the things that I really wanted to do, though this changed quite a bit from what I wanted to do when I was 21. In the end it didn't matter what I was going to do. What matter was that I needed my big life breakthrough and nobody was going to make that happen except me.
I'll be honest about that too - I had support from my husband to do it. I know that not everyone can just up and quite their job and run off into the world with their dreams. Working to get his support was part of the baby steps toward having my life breakthrough.One thing I've learned from working with my clients in the last few years who are looking for their own big break is that most people are just stuck with even taking their first baby step, whatever that step may be for them. The truth is that when you're sitting around waiting for your big life breakthrough to happen you're actually blocking it from happening! Your lack of active participation in your own life and the low energy that it creates is like telling the Universe "Nah, I'm not really ready yet...let me think about this some more first."I want to share with you the 5 big things that I tell all my clients they need to do to get on the path toward their life breakthrough so you can start working on yours if you're also sitting around wondering, "When will it be my turn?!"
5 Ways To Kick Start Your Big Life Breakthrough
Stop looking at the lives everyone else is supposedly living.
It's no big secret that the internet is often a curated lie. Even those who are the most well meaning of the bunch are posting things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that are very selective and specific about their lives. Everyone is happy to post pictures and updates about their awesome vacations, wonderful new purchases, and the amazing people they might be hanging out with but if you never see anyone ever share anything that I call human, meaning their shitty day updates, pictures of a failed dinner attempt, or sharing about their something less that amazing, chances are you're looking at someone trying hard to display a curated lifestyle.A coach I worked with once told me that you should only ever share personal pictures and status updates that represent a life your clients/customers/followers wish they had or want to have and not anything that is going to simply show that you're "just like them". This coming from a "coach" who is always sharing personal I've never looked at this person's social media the same since {and now I just don't follow them and their stuff period}.It's kind of like looking at the Rich Kids of Instagram. It's fun to look at, and maybe it's fun to dream of that a little bit, but you know there is some dark shit hiding in there somewhere that you'll never see because people don't want to give up the facade of perfection.So stop keeping your eyes on everyone else and what they're doing. Their life isn't your life and if you keep dreaming of emulating what they have or do you aren't going to have your own life'll have theirs.
Empower your own thoughts.
Change your thoughts, change your life - that's what Dr. Wayne Dyer says, and it's very true! When you change the way you talk to yourself and you turn your negative self-talking into empowering mini-pep talks you'll find things start to change in dramatic ways around you.It's not just about the words and saying nice things to yourself, but it's about the energy and vibration that the positive and negative carry. Feed yourself negativity and you'll radiate negativity and in turn get back negativity. Do the opposite with positive words and thoughts and your life transforms!Take note of times you start talking negatively, either to yourself or others about your life and your future and make a conscious effort to find the more positive version of what you're saying but without lying to yourself about how you feel. You might feel stuck but are your really completely hopeless? I promise you you're not, especially if you're reading this!
Get healthy again.
Chances are your energy is wicked low when you're in these moments of not knowing what to do next or feeling like your breakthrough isn't going to come. How are you treating your body? What are you feeding it {physically this time}? Are you moving it around or just sitting on the couch bummed out and glued to Judge Judy? Change your health and you'll change your life too!Sugar, caffeine, meat, processed foods....all of these things lower our energy. For one week swap out your normal lunch for a green salad or green smoothie. And after you eat that salad or smoothie go take a 10 minute walk outside. That's it! In one week you'll start to feel jazzed and soon you'll be feeling physically and mentally more clear and focused and ready for your life breakthrough to happen. Before you know it you're thoughts will begin shifting and your own plans for action will kick up a notch or 10!
Stop waiting for "the right time".
I hate to burst your bubble, but there is not "right time" to start your life! I know lots of people have their big dreams of the job they want and the lifestyle they wish they were living and all of this is wrapped up in 100 reasons why they aren't doing anything about it. "I don't have time, I can't afford it, I have kids now, I'm married, I'm not married, I'm too old, I'm too fat, I'm too tied..." Let go of your many excuses...we all have them...and instead accept the fact that you get to make a simple choice - do something or do nothing. Either way you're making a choice and it's all on you.Timing is all relative. Sure there may be circumstances that would be ideal, but if you decide that you're going to wait for your life breakthrough to happen on it's own when the stars align you'll be waiting forever. You need to make things happen yourself here and now. This may mean starting with some baby steps and small changes first and not swooping in and in one day accomplishing your big dreams, but ever step gets you closer.Start now, start today, start where you are! Now is the perfect time for your dreams to start manifesting!
Be clear in your intentions with what you want to manifest.
When you were a teenager or even in college you probably dealt with your parents or family trying to impose upon you expectations for your future. Maybe your family pushed you toward a specific line of work or even make you go to a specific school because it's been a family tradition. In the end these may not have been the same things you wanted but you just went along with it to make everyone else happy and to keep from rocking the boat. Well, those days are over and it's time for you to get super clear and honest about what you want and what you want to manifest for your life.Take time to really daydream about your ideal life and lifestyle, from your job to your relationships to where you life. Go big or go home, I say; run wild with those dreams! Get it all down on paper, remembering nobody else ever has to see this. It's just for you so be as specific and extravagant as you want. When you're done look it all over and ask yourself "How does this make me feel? What feelings or emotions would this life give me?" The truth is you're chasing the feeling and emotion of that dream, not the mansion and the Maserati {though I certainly would turn down a Maserati!}. Know exactly what the energy, feeling and emotion is that you want and make your intentions clear and then seek out things that fall in line with that. Make your intention super specific and design your life the way you want it on purpose. The big life breakthroughs that you're waiting for, whether it's related to money, career, love, creativity, or your environment all boil down to you doing something about it. Other people can certainly come along and help, but you have to be willing to take charge - it's your life after all![wc_spacing size="40px"]