Crystal Bowl Concert with Elivia Melodey in San Diego!

If you're in the San Diego area this coming Sunday and are looking for a great way to spend some time outside Sunday evening, check out the wonderful Elivia Melodey doing a crystal bowl performance from 7-9pm.

From Elivia's website:

" Sunday, August 2, 7 PM - 9 PM
Outdoor Crystal Vibrations Concert
San Diego, CA
Singing crystal bowls backyard sunset concert. Meld into the music of the spheres as the stars rise in this back yard setting in San Diego. You'll need to bring your own chairs, blankets, and pillows, as this is a huge back yard. The Nature Spirits come out full force whenever the ensemble performs outside so I know this will be a very special evening. The crystal singing bowls will carry you to new awareness and understanding to support you in all ways for these New Times. Joining the singing bowls of course will be the didjeridu, drums, Native American Flutes and celestial vocals to make for an evening of sheer beauty. Fee; Just $15. Plenty of street parking as well as a school lot one block away. Please enter through the side gate at 5350 Lehrer Drive San Diego, CA 92117"

This is sure to be a special event, so try and get out there if you're in the area! If you haven't heard Elivia's music, be sure to go and check her out on her website and also check out this short clip from a news piece done about Elivia a few years ago and be sure to check out some of her CDs. I have her "Crystal Memories" CD which is fabulous!

Mood: hungry hungry.png
(yup, time to take a break and have some lunch at 3:15 pm!)


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