Getting The Most Out of a Reading

Visiting a tarot reader or psychic can be a very helpful and inspiring experience. It can help you make decisions in times of stress and help reaffirm things that you've been working toward. However, for some people, seeing a psychic is more of a form of entertainment than a way to get spiritual guidance and healing. Whatever your reason for going to see a reader, it's a good idea to understand what a real reader will do for you and how to get the most from your session.One of the first things that you need to do before seeing a reader of any kind is let go of you expectations and the things that you think you know about getting a reading. By going into the experience expecting something specific, whether it's expecting a specific answer to your questions or expecting a specific type of reading experience, you are likely to find yourself disappointed. Even if you've had readings in the past, it's important to remember that every reader and every reading experience is going to be different, so approach your session with an open mind and open heart.While a reader might be psychic remember that being psychic is not the same as being a mind reader. When you go to see your reader you're likely going to find that your reader will ask a few questions, things like your name, your date of birth and what you're looking to have a reading or session about. Do not expect that you're going to sit down in front of your reader and they are going to instantly know what you want to ask, knowing everything about you while they just start rambling on. Often if this happens you're more likely than not going to find you're dealing with a "cold reader" (someone that is giving readings based off information they are inferring about you from how you're dressed, things you might do or say, etc, not real psychic impressions). But, at the same time, there is a point where you can give too much information. A good reader will tell you when you're giving too little or too much away.A reader needs something to focus on in a session and this is why many readers will ask for you to have a specific question or at least a topic in mind. While readers can certainly give what are often known as "general readings", a sort of grab bag of psychic information, these are not always as satisfying and can often leave you confused and many times with lots of questions that will go unanswered. These can also be readings that can be tough for the reader since there is no real focus and information can be jumbled and quite all over the place. Some readers will use names or birthdates alone and others will ask for questions. I personally always ask for names and sometimes date of birth. The reason for this is that if you tell me that you want to know "his" feelings about you, for example, I need to know who "he" is otherwise the "he" I pick up on could be your father, your next door neighbor or the mailman. A name helps give a focus on the energy to be reading.When it comes to a question, being clear about what you want to know helps to ensure that you're going to get the information that you're really after. For example, if you have a relationship question and your question is really that you want to know if your current partner is cheating on you ask that question, not how he feels about you. Your boyfriend may very well care about you or still be in love with you but he may also find himself with feelings for another person who he happens to be having an affair with. Knowing that he loves you isn't going to really tell you if he's cheating, so don't be afraid to ask your true question. Asking questions that you hope will lead to or reveal information that you really want to know about often doesn't work, so to get the most from your session ask your questions clearly and upfront. Remember, you're not giving leading information if you're just asking your question.Be prepared to hear what your reader has to say to you. If you don't really want to know if your partner is cheating because you aren't ready to deal with the situation, then you shouldn't even be going to see a reader about your relationship if you feel this is what is going on. But if you're ready and you ask the question don't be upset when you hear the answer you didn't want to hear. Most readers are going to be understanding of difficult situations, we are human after all, and will be somewhat gentle but firm in delivering hard to hear news. A poor reader is one that either be overly blunt or harsh or one that doesn't give you the true messages and just tells you what will make you feel good. You'll know the difference when you get the message from them. Understand that the reader is just the messenger and is giving you the information from Spirit that you need for your highest good to improve your life and situation. Sometimes you need to hear the bad and experience the negative to move on in your life and make changes to get to where you are truly meant to be.Participate in your session with your reader by interacting with them. If you feel that something your reader is telling you is completely off base, don't feel bad telling them so. If you're session starts off in the first few minutes with information that is not even close to connecting for you, not telling them means you could run the risk of sitting there through a whole session of information that means nothing for you. Telling a reader that you can't relate to their information as they are giving it, because you truly can't relate, not because it isn't want you want to hear, will help to keep the session on track. Remember the session is about you, not the reader, so don't feel that you have to blindly accept everything they say but know that there is a difference between not liking what they are telling you and not being able to validate what they tell you.And lastly, but most importantly, remember that nothing is set in stone. If you don't like the information that comes to you in a reading or you don't like the outcome that a reader gives you, either use that as a signpost on where to make some changes in your life or, if you're uncertain on what to do to make changes, as for psychic and spiritual advice from your reader. Free will exists even in the psychic world, so no reading is ever 100% guaranteed. Think of your reading as a road map to your goals; if you go from point A via one route (the reader's information) to get to point B then you know what you're going to encounter on the way to that point. If you want to change or avoid something on the route that the reader has given you then you might need to veer off their mapped out route to get to point B; this is where you're free will comes in and you make the decision to change course and change the outcome of your journey. In the end remember that no psychic is ever 100% accurate 100% of the time and the decisions and end results, no matter what they are, are yours and yours alone.When all is said and done a good reading experience should have you leaving feeling like you have answers, hope and some control over your issue or concern that you went for a reading about. You might not always leave with the answers you were hoping for but you should be able to use the information from the reading to lay out a road map for you to reach you goals.

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