Crystal Wednesday: Labradorite
Some stones and crystals are so unique and special that we can find ourselves collecting multiple pieces of it over time because each piece can be so different, both in appearance and energetic feel. Labradorite is one of those most unique pieces.Labradorite is part of a mineral group known as feldspars. Feldspars are distinguished by the presence of both aluminum and silica ion in their construction. Labradorite is made of calcium sodium aluminum silicate and is specifically classified as a silicate. Feldspars make up largest percentage of minerals found within the Earth’s crust with 30% of them being silicates.Labradorite is a pretty common and different forms of it can be found in different parts of the world. It was originally found in Paul’s Island in Labrador, Canada which is where its name comes from. Various versions of labradorite have been found in Italy, Greenland, Finland, Russia, and Scandinavia as well. Most commonly labradorite is gray in appearance but has streaks of white, which is common among silicates, along varying shades of blue, green, and yellow within it. There is a unique iridescent property within labradorite called “labradorescense”, some specifically with a trait known as spectrolite (this is a trade term and usually applies to those pieces that are of gem quality and used in jewelry; these usually come from Finland, thought some have been found in Madagascar as well, and have a blue to red color transition). This occurs within the stone from light bouncing off inclusions of magnetite. You can see this same effect in other stones like rainbow moonstone and sunstone.Labradorite is a great stone with many metaphysical uses as well as uses in healing work. Labradorite is a great stone for dealing with negative energy as it has both shielding and protective properties. It can be used to align the physical and spiritual bodies as well which can be helpful for those who have difficulty with meditation. This stone can help open up the psychic and intuitive senses and can help with tuning in to ones abilities with strength and clarity.Strength and perseverance are two overall qualities in all aspects of use that labradorite can aid in as well. It is a stone that can be helpful in past life work and working through the mental, emotional and psychic sorting that can come with this sort of work. Some people also find that they have a series of disappointments or issues of not achieving things they had been striving for in these lives that are revealed in regression work. Incorporating labradorite in this work helps to lesson these feelings and helps to bring perspective to everything.If you're dealing with an overactive mine, issues with your imagination running wild, your thoughts getting away from you, or feeling like there is a lack of understanding about things overall, you can use labradorite to bring a sense of release, calming and peace. There is an ability to begin seeing things in a balanced and rational way when working with labradorite in this way. Placing labradorite at your desk or carrying with you to class or when studying can help you to not only concentrate and understand things more clearly but to also have those "ah-ha" moments and twinges of intuitive wisdom that seem to happen so rarely.In the healing process labradorite helps to clear out negative and unwanted energy and is a great stress release aid. It specifically can help with issues with the eyes and issues of metabolism. For women who have menstrual cramps and tensions, a large, cleansed and charged piece placed on the area(s) where pain seems to collect can aid in tension release either on its own with meditation and visualization or as an aid to Reiki treatments for the pain. Carrying labradorite when you have a cold, or sleeping with it under your pillow at night during a bout with a cold, can help to alleviate symptoms as well. You can use labradorite for healing mostly in the heart and third eye chakras as well.Labradorite cannot be directly used for making gemstone elixirs because of the magnetite and aluminum that it contains. However you can still infuse the essence of labradorite in filtered water for making elixirs in a sort of round about way. Prepare the water for your elixir in the normal fashion and pour it in your jar or bottle that you'll be using. Cap it tightly and then take your labradorite and place it next to the jar so that it is touching the jar. My personal preference for working with stones to make elixirs in an indirect way is to make a much small batch using a jar that is about the size of a baby food jar and placing 4 or 5 of the stones around the base of the jar completely encircling it. I then keep this on either a window sill or on my altar where it can catch the sun and moonlight for the time that it needs to be there. While the stones are not directly inside the water, this transference works just as well. When you're done you then have water that carries the labradorite essence and can be taken like any other gemstone elixir.