Meditaiton Project: Your Suggestions?
Recently while going through some old Book of Shadows material this week I decided to start working on putting together a collection of some of my meditations that I've written over the years. Meditation writing is one of my absolute favorite parts of working on ritual writing and thought it would be great to put together a collection of them for a book project. I'm going to be writing some new ones because while making an outline of what I'd want to see in a book like that and I was missing some of these kinds of meditations. So since I'm going to be working on some new ones, I thought I'd ask if there are any times of meditations that you'd like to see in a collection. Are there certain Gods or Goddesses you'd like to see meditations with? Are there certain techniques in meditation you'd like to see worked with? What about meditations for spells and magick? I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions, so feel free to comment here on the post and let me know what you'd like to see!