Living a Fulfilling Life When You’re Witchy and Busy AF
Any time there is something that we feel we’re lacking, like a sense of fulfillment or happiness, there’s one reason why…always. We aren’t making it a priority.
Any time you want to attract or maximize something in your life, you have to be willing to see it as necessary, you as worthy, and your quest for whatever that thing is a priority. This could be better health, more fun, increased income, more badass magick results. Whatever it is, if you don’t make it a priority, the Universe isn’t going to make helping you a priority either.
No matter what you desire, whether it’s witchy or mundane, to live a life that feels more fulfilling means determining what is essential and creating a structure that makes your objectives a priority.
All those things you want might be a lot closer than you realize!
We need to start with the day to day and how we structure our daily lives. Here are 8 ways, and a little witchy advice, for how you can get more of what you want out of every day.
1. Define what brings you fulfillment.It’s really difficult to have a life spilling over with joy and fulfillment if you don’t even know what makes you feel fulfilled. What currently brings a sense of fulfillment to your life? In the past, when you felt your life was fulfilling, what were you doing? What things do you believe would be fulfilling, but you don’t have in your life now?Witch Tip: Light a baby blue candle and burn some jasmine incense. Close your eyes, inhale the scent, and empty your mind. With your eyes closed, and holding a pen in your non-dominant hand (the one you usually don’t write with) allow yourself to do automatic writing while thinking only of the idea of a fulfilling life. See what comes up…you might be surprised! 2. Know what things in your life don’t bring you fulfillment.Knowing what does or would bring you fulfillment is just part of the journey. Now you have to know what doesn’t fulfill you. What do you spend time on regularly that doesn’t matter to you? Mentally review a typical day in your life and write down all those unfulfilling things. For most of us, our days aren’t that fulfilling, so your list may be quite long, but that’s OK.Pay special attention to those things that are “optional” (i.e., social media, chatting with the neighbors, participating in a book club, etc.). If they aren’t fulfilling, ask yourself why you do them.Witch Tip: Write each of your unfulfilling things on sticky notes and then stick them randomly on a wall. Stand on the other side of the room, making sure there is nothing between you and the wall that you might stumble over. Close your eye and reach out your hands in front of you. Set the intention to be drawn to the one thing that you need to cut from your life immediately. When you feel you’re being pulled over, follow that pulling sensation and go to the wall (eyes closed) and touch the wall in front of you. Whatever sticky note you touch, take off the wall and open your eyes, and reflect on what you chose. 3. Eliminate “maintenance” activities.Most of our lives are filled with “maintenance” activities, things that we do to keep our lives on track, but don’t create positive change. These things keep us on the same path, doing the same things, without any upward mobility. They can take a lot of time and typically aren’t fulfilling. These tasks can include shopping for food and clothes, cooking, cleaning, laundry, doing taxes, and walking the dog. These are things that have to be done but theyReview this list and start to find things you can set money aside to have them outsourced to other people. Not everyone can afford a live-in maid but if you can afford a house cleaning once or twice a month that makes your maintenance activities less and gives you more time for things that are actually fulfilling for you. But if you honestly find cleaning the bathroom every weekend fulfilling because that’s when you get to listen to your favorite podcast for the week, don’t feel bad about doing it!Witch Tip: Need money to pay for that maid or dog walker? Time to create a Money Pot! 4. If it isn’t necessary, let it go. Things, real things, you don’t need in your life take up time and space that could be occupied by the things you want. Remember, priorities! Take one day a month to go through your house to take a room or space to find items you don’t need or want that you can either give away, donate, sell, or toss. If you don’t love it or need it, don’t keep it!Witch Tip: After doing your clearing out smudge the shift out of your space and set the intention that only things that bring joy and fulfillment will come into your home. Each time you buy something, online or in person, ask yourself, “Does this add fulfillment to my home?” 5. Make time each day for your passion. Your passions are priorities!! Do you see a pattern here?! Every day without time on your desires is one day closer to the end of your journey that wasn’t spent on what you love. Avoid believing that you’ll have time in the future to pursue your passions because you might not.Witch Tip: If you usually come home from work and spend the time from getting in the door to going to bed watching TV, messing around on Facebook, or doing something else that isn’t part of your passion or purpose, cut that time in half. During that hour or two each night focus on your mission and what fulfills you. Read a book, take a class, meditate, whatever you can do that brings you closed to that place of joy you’re after.
6. Daily Goals. Do you have them? Each day can be fulfilling just by feeling like you made the most of it. Most people are content to merely survive day to day. They have little to show for their time and effort but are happy not to have had something bad happen at the end of the day. Have a goal and a plan for each day and strive to make it happen. Checking off just one thing a day from your list of goals will make you feel like you’re getting closing to that ultimate fulfillment you’re after.Witch Tip: Have a planner or journal that you can physically write in every day to note your goal for the day and then track what you’ve done, how it felt, how it worked out, etc. Make this a magickal act. Light a candle and some incense and make this a 5-10 minute meditation act each morning and night. 7. Long-Term Goals. Do you have those too? Daily goals are fantastic, but long-term goals are essential, too. They provide an overall focus and theme to your life and get you closer to fulfilling your life purpose when planned right. When your life is about something, and you diligently work toward it, you’ll naturally feel more fulfilled. Witch Tip: Long-term goals are the culmination of many short-term or daily goals, but they are harder to maintain because they can be really big picture. Create a long-term spell, like a honey jar, to help you with maintaining and achieving these goals. 8. Surround yourself with amazing people and avoid the toxic ones. I know this can be hard if those toxic people are long-term friends or even family, but you owe it to yourself to be around people that make you feel inspired, energized, and supported. When you have great people in your life, your life is great. As they say, you are a sum of all the parts of those that you surround yourself with, so become a better version of yourself by having wonderful people around you. Cut away the dead weight and make room for more great people.Witch Tip: Energetic cord cutting and regular shielding are your friends! We all have to be around toxic people or people we don’t care for now and then. And if you work with those people, it’s either learn to clear and protect your energy or state looking for a new job. Make it a point to do a chakra cleanse and cord cutting part of your dark moon/new moon rituals every month. Implement a daily shielding practice for when you have to leave your home and be around others. This is especially important if you are empathic and pick up a stranger’s energy easily. Whether going to work or the grocery store, you could take home some toxic energy sludge without realizing it.
To have more fulfillment, you must prioritize fulfillment.
Does your life have a primary objective? Do you have your purpose in focus? Most people unknowingly prioritize surviving, which is important, but rarely leads to the fulfillment of thriving. Know your purpose and make living a fulfilling, magickal life a daily priority. That’s what witches do to make the most of every day they have.