Are You A Psychic Over-Sharer?

If you are a psychic or intuitive and you are confident in your skills, that’s fucking awesome! I think it’s great to feel that you have your skills so on lock that you can read anyone or anything at any time and share that wisdom with confidence. I’ve noticed something over the years as I got more into the professional psychic community. When someone is on a “good streak” with their readings, they tend to want to keep going and want to read everybody! One thing they will do is give readings to people out of the blue by just approaching them unprompted and telling them they have important messages for them, often from a spirit like a deceased loved one.Did you ever watch the show that psychic Lisa Williams had, where she would have a client in her office for a reading and before her next client she’d go out to get coffee or just casually hit up a local boutique to buy some jewelry and just start giving a stranger a reading? Shit like that is what I’m talking about. Unprompted and possibly unwanted psychic and energetic advice or readings.Now, granted, shows like Lisa William’s and others like it are staged and those “random strangers” aren’t random, and the whole thing is a setup. But this display and ones like it kind of set the stage for a lot of psychics to think that anyone you feel called to give a “reading” to will be open and receptive to getting those unwanted messages.  

They aren’t.

 girls just wanna have fun...psychic fun...lolIt’s an invasion of energetic, spiritual, and psychic space. When you do this to people IRL, they are often so caught off guard and don't know how to respond that they just don't. They are shocked and just kind of smile and say, "OK" because they don't know what the right response would be. I wanted to talk about this after author Rebecca Campbell sent out an email a few days ago. She announced that she was pregnant and expecting her first baby and wouldn’t be able to hold her fall events this year. I thought it was sad that she had to say: 

“As an act of self-care I would like to request one thing - that no one send intuitive advice, energetic readings or anything similar regarding my body, pregnancy or baby, it feels weird to say this, but it happens so often.”

 It does happen often. It happens to me too. When I sent out an email or post something on social media talking about my health, I always get uninvited readings and advice based on someone’s “psychic/energetic read” on me. And it does feel weird to have to put caveats like that on emails, blog posts, or social media posts.  It isn’t that you don’t appreciate someone’s concern for you to the point where they would do that. At the same time when someone didn’t ask for it, it’s kind of rude to just barge in with it. It feels a bit like someone has been invading your private, energetic space.  

So why do we sometimes do that?

You feel it’s a divine message that must be delivered and that’s what you’re here to do. I hear this a lot. “I wouldn’t be given this information if it wasn’t meant to be delivered.” And to a point, I agree. But that doesn’t discount the fact that someone may have explicitly said, “I do not want your psychic advice." Everyone has the free will to accept or deny psychic or spiritual messages. I understand that desire, but sometimes the message we get for someone else is also meant for us, and sometimes that message will do more harm than good if delivered.  You worry that if you don’t deliver this information either it will bring harm to them or it could be seen as a rejection of your gifts and could affect your abilities in the future. No. Just no to all of that. Being psychically gifted doesn’t mean you have to be open 24/7 to receiving and giving readings and information to every person you meet. It also doesn’t mean that if you do get some kind of hit about a person’s health or situation that you are causing harm or possibly creating a harmful wrinkle in time by not delivering that advice. And no, not acting on psychic or intuitive guidance doesn’t mean you’re rejecting your gifts! It means you're still a rational person. Allowing intellectual reasoning to come into play is not a crime against psychic ability.  You know someone has explicitly said “I don’t want this kind of advice,” but you feel it’s vital for them. You know this because you’ve confirmed it with your guides/cards/runes/etc. Well, you’re already biased, so that’s a problem, but still. You’ve been asked, probably nicely (at least in the beginning) to hold off on sharing your insights. And your confirmation may be right! Maybe it would be crucial for this person to hear what you have to say. So I have some advice.  


 And fuck “it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” This is one of these cases where you can quickly lose friends for good when you always have to ask for forgiveness because you aren't respectful of your friend’s wishes. Seriously, I know it seems so obvious, but some people need to be reminded that hearing your psychic advice is a choice on the other person's part. And some psychics need to have their God Complex put in check every now and then.  Do not try to hard sell your reading! All you have to do is gently, mindfully, and kindly present to the person that you have some insights you’ve been getting that might be helpful. Don’t bowl them over by saying, “OMG I got this really crazy vision about you and your pregnancy and my guides tell me you HAVE to know this.”  Also, this doesn’t work either…I know you’ve said in the past that you don’t want me to tell you about the psychic messages I get about you, but I know you’re anxious about this move you have coming up and I’ve had a few dreams and some psychic guidance from my guides that you really need to hear. I’m worried that if I don’t tell you this that something bad could go down and I love you and don’t want that to happen.Granted, the second one is a bit more caring, it’s still too much and intrusive.   

Here are some suggestions:

?Leave out words that are going to be emotionally jarring. Don’t use words like “worried, fearful, concerned, bothered” and don’t tell the person that you’ve “seen something scary” or “something that seems problematic” that you want to share with them. ?Don’t even talk about it being “psychic advice.” If you’re sitting down and talking with an actual friend, someone that you have personal and intimate discussions with where you might talk about your problems and your worries, you can undoubtedly share your intuitive or psychic guidance without revealing it as psychic guidance. Is that a little sneaky? Maybe...but I also feel if you can’t take your psychic insight and turn it into practical advice for someone you’re only loading them down with more worry and concern by giving them that psychic message. If you saw that your friend who is moving is going to get screwed by their landlord out of their security deposit, you might want to give advice on how they can cover themselves before moving out (i.e., taking pictures of everything, documenting the return of keys and property, etc.). ?Be OK with your friend saying no. Be OK with your friend just not wanting to hear what you have to say. Asking for permission doesn’t mean you get a free pass to do what you want even if they say no. If they say no, then the answer is no. Take time to reflect on the situation, your friend’s circumstance, the information you received, and how it might actually benefit YOU. You’re right, you aren’t getting this for nothing, so it may all be more about you in the end. ?And lastly, if your insights are for someone that you don’t know...someone you follow on social media or a celebrity or someone like that...don’t be the creepy, weird psychic girl/guy who starts emailing and sending DMs on every platform trying to get your message heard. Don’t go posting all over the internet and tagging them in everything trying to get their attention. Get a journal and write it down for yourself and use it for a little self-analysis. Some people have whole blogs and YouTube channels dedicated to doing readings about celebrities when they’re going through something out in the public eye, but that’s kind of tricky territory. It’s in public, so it’s not private, but it still feels a bit to me like you’re invading on their privacy (and in a public forum no less).  I also think it's a bit dangerous in a sense because there's no way for you to verify any information. Gods forbid your blog gets shared by just the right person that it gains traction in the gossip circles and starts a problem. Psychic messages, intuitive insights, and energy readings that you get about people and situations that aren’t involving you are essential! But how you work with them is something that you need to do with respect, not just respect for your gifts and skills but also respect for the other people involved. And remember, every reading that you do for someone else is also a reading for you, so be open to what these messages are saying for you as well.  


Living a Fulfilling Life When You’re Witchy and Busy AF


June Tarotscopes!