June Tarotscopes!
Remember waaaayyyyyy back...like way, way back...I used to do tarotscopes every month on my blog. Then I moved them over to just my newsletter. Then I got too busy to do them at all, though from time to time they did come back only to vanish again.Well, they're back! But my hope is that this time they stay. I like doing them and over time I've created a better system for myself to do them and have always stopped trying to make myself write a fucking novel with each one. So these are short and sweet but still deliver insight for the month. So find your sign, give it a read, and then share with a friend.Bonus Witchy Fun Tip...read your sun sign tarotscope and your moon sign tarotscope. See your sun sign guidance as what you need to act on while the moon sign guidance is what you need to reflect on and work with on a spiritual level. [col_wrapper][col2][accordion title=""][accordionitem title="Aries Tarotscope"]Queen of WandsSpend June embracing your true sense of power through creativity. When you are in your element and able to draw on your natural fire and create, you are able to manifest what you desire most. Use art, in whatever form it takes for you, to be a way to attract your desires and goals this month. Create a vision board, use the colors of your clothes, redecorate your home or workspace...make it pretty, make it special, make it magickal and draw in the energies you desire.[/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Taurus Tarotscope"]Ten of Wands ReversedIt’s noble, for sure, to bust your ass to make something you’ve committed to come to fruition, but there is also a point where this can become damaging to your mind, body, and soul. In June you may find that assessing your commitments and embracing the concept of “no” could help with lowering your mental, emotional, and physical stress. And if you have to let go of something you’ve been working on because it’s become too much of a burden, that’s OK too. [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Gemini Tarotscope"]Ace of PentaclesJune could come with an opportunity to get some much needed financial or material help. Big or small, you will find that it comes from seemingly nowhere and may be initiated by a woman in your life who wants to help you regain some balance when it come to your well-being. Don’t be too prideful and reject this offer outright. It could be the very thing you need to make your garden grow! [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Cancer Tarotscope"]King of Wands ReversedThis month you find that your inner fire, while not as strong as it may usually be, is far more honed and concentrated. You may find that only specific situations and certain activities really get you excited and engaged, but embrace that. June could be the time this year where you find exactly what it is that you feel passion for and what you want to focus the second half of 2019 on. [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Le0 Tarotscope"]The Hanged ManTaking rests and breaks may not always be your favorite thing to do, but there are times when it’s something you just have to do, especially when you’ve been so busy or working so hard on something that you can’t even see or think clearly anymore. Allow yourself to use June as a time to step back from everything, relax, and see things from a different perspective. When you’re not “in it” the path forward becomes far more clear to see.[/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Virgo Tarotscope"]Six of PentaclesAbundance comes to those that give....it’s true! You may be at a point with your finances where you’re finally feeling like you have all you need and then a little extra, and you might be tempted to hang on to it. But remember when there was that time where a little help from someone could have really made a difference in your life? Use that extra this month to help someone you feel is really in need, not just anyone, but someone that not only really needs it but who will truly appreciate it. Be it money, time, love, or advice pay your abundance forward in June.[/accordionitem][/col2][col2_last]
[accordionitem title="Libra Tarotscope"]JudgementIf you’ve been feeling a bit of a nudge to make some changes but you’ve been feeling either lost about what to change or unsure of where to start, June is the month to ask specifically for that divine guidance and intervention and then to be ready to hear it and rise to the occasion when it comes. Even though you could find yourself as a spiritual crossroads with this, if you allow your intuition to guide you and the voice of your guides to be heard, you’ll know what you need to do without question. [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Scorpio Tarotscope"]The Tower Reversed Sometimes when something is lost we feel pain or panic at first because of the shock of the event and change, but when we allow things to settle in we realize this could be a blessing in disguise. June will bring a sudden end or change to something, and at first it may be a disappointment, but it will end up being something that was definitely not as devastating as initially thought. You’ll land on your feet and everything will be fine in no time.[/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Sagittarius Tarotscope"]Two of Pentacles Money comes in and money goes out, that’s how the finances stay in flow. When you receive but don’t give or release you will eventually come to a point where you can’t hold any more so there’s no more coming your way. On the other hand, let it flow away too easily and you never find that you can hold onto what you need. It’s a delicate balancing act that you may find you struggle with often, but June brings a chance for you to get in balance again. Be mindful of how you use your money and get creative with both spending and saving. [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Capricorn Tarotscope"]Nine of Wands Don’t stop now, even though you may really, really want to. You’re close to the end of something you’ve been working hard on, and it might feel like you’re never going to cross the finish line, but you are...or at least you will if you take the remaining energy and resources you have and you use them wisely. Often when we give up on something it’s because you feel you don’t have the strength to go on, but it may just be that you can’t go on like you HAVE but you can keep going if you change things a little. Be careful with how you push yourself and allow yourself time to rest and take smaller steps...but every step will get you closer to that finish line you so rightly deserve. [/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Aquarius Tarotscope"]The DevilWhat has you feeling tied up, bound, and blocked right now? Is it something outside of your control....or something that you have perceived is out of your control when in truth you’ve given up your control willingly at some point and now see yourself as a victim? The Devil often points to matters of addiction, and when we think about how addicts of any kind will say it’s their addiction that controls them the truth is that there was a time when they willingly gave up control to that addiction. So what is it that you have given your control over to? Use June as a time to find where you have willingly given up your power in the past and find ways to slowly get it back.[/accordionitem]
[accordionitem title="Pisces Tarotscope"]Seven of Wands Reversed What you might think is everyone out to get you may actually be more of a “you” problem than a “them” problem. Have you become overly defensive after one small event and now every little molehill becomes a mountain you have to climb? Are you turning every little thing into a slight against you and a cause you need to fight against? June would be a good time for you to step back, lay down your defenses, and stop making everything all about you, or making everything more than it needs to be. It’ll feel good to finally let that weight fall off your shoulders! [/accordionitem][/col2_last][/col_wrapper] Need a personal, private reading this month?Come over here and check out what's available.